"I don't. But she told me to avoid her. She doesn't want me to wait for her. She's convinced that she's bad for me and hopes that maybe one day she won't be."

"Bull fucking shit. You both just need to suck it up and talk to each other."

"But I can't-"

"Oh my god Camila-"

"No, I mean, I really can't. She always leaves the room before I can even say anything to her."

"Ugh, and being on those crutches don't help..." He couldn't help but point out.

"Yeah..." I sighed.

"But that still doesn't mean you should give up. You're one half of Camren. And the Camren I know, doesn't give up on each other. No matter what happens, you both fight for each other...every time."

"Sometimes people don't want to be fought for."

"That's not true." He replied, "Everyone wants to be fought for, they just won't admit it."

"You don't see the way she avoids me." I divulged, "She acts like we're not even in the same room, and when she accidentally slips, and looks back at me or something, she hates herself so much for it."


"It's like she totally removed me from her life. She moved away, stopped talking to me and even stopped acknowledging my existence-"

"That's not true." He interrupted, "Actually, god, I probably shouldn't tell you this but, she asks me about you. You know to check up, and when I tell her, you can see the regret and guilt eating her away."

"She asks about me?"

"Of course she does. You're not the only one having a tough time with this."

I groaned, "It just sucks because I know shes right. But its been like a month and-"

"I know. Just talk to her. Maybe now that a little time has passed, you two can have a normal conversation."


"Didn't wello tell you to remember one thing before he passed?"

"Don't pull the wello card on me..."

"I'm sorry but it's the only way you'll do it."

"I wouldn't even know what to say."

"Do you have too?"


"Do you have too?" I mocked as I watched the clock on the wall, Of course I have to know what to say.

Sometimes Darren can be deep as fuck but let's face it, I should've prepared something to say to her because now I'm a nervous idiot with no plan whatsoever.

It was sixth period and Mr.Swope had just finished going over the schedule for the next few months of school we had left. I watched Lauren carefully. Like she had been for the past few weeks, she was paying attention in class in an attempt to distract herself. She looked bored as hell but even I knew that she preferred that to being distracted by me.

I just didn't understand her. But then again, I don't think I ever fully understood Lauren Jauregui.

Suddenly, when I was lost in deep thought, I heard the echo of the bell ring in my ears. In that second, I got up and to my luck, Lauren wasn't able to make it out the door first this time. Mr.Swope stopped her to ask her something as the mass of students exited the door.

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