"Yeah," he answered.

"And what are we gonna do with Jackson when we get there?"

He hesitated, "I have no idea."

I was another quiet minute go by until I felt a hand stretch onto mine. "Jamie?"

I glanced over at Isaac in the dark of the car. "Yeah?" I asked quietly.

"I want you to promise me something. If whatever happens happens to night, I want you to promise me you'll run," he said sternly looking directly into my eyes.

"What?" I asked. It's not that I didn't hear it, more like I didn't want to hear it.

"Come on Jamie," he urged. "Just promise me you'll run if Jackson wakes up or if Gerard comes or anything really."

"You can't just expect me to run away, Isaac. What if something happens to you? Or Scott? Or anyone else for that matter? Stiles already got hurt tonight, and he doesn't have super healing like you do," I proposed sliding his hand off of mine in a small form of protest.

"And neither do you Jamie!" He snapped.

"I don't know if I could live with myself if any of you got hurt and I knew I could have done something, anything to prevent it!" I retaliated.

"How do you think I would feel if something hurt you Jamie?" Isaac inclined angrily. He chest rose and fell quickly and his fists were clenched together extremely tight.

Frowning, I shook my head. "I don't care. I can help you all. There's gotta be at least one thing--"

"See, that's the problem!" Isaac jabbed, his voice growing louder. "You... You don't care about getting hurt! But you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freakin' mind! You see, death doesn't happen to you, Jamie. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it? Huh?"

Suddenly his eyes began flickering a light golden color. A shot of fear ran though me as my heart started racing in my chest. I knew Isaac wouldn't hurt me, but it such a enclosed space, it made me slightly nervous. "Isaac," Scott said sternly.

Isaac kept his breathing heavy and his eyes continued to glow. I watch as Isaac clenched is eyes shut. Mr. Argent looked bad in the rear view mirror at Isaac and scowled. "Calm him down, Scott!" he fumed angrily.

"Isaac calm down," I risked my voice getting louder.

"Isaac control it!" Scott hollered.

A low, threatening growl escaped hims lips, but as I watched him he kept the transformation under some control by not shifting. I watch his lips move and words come out, but I couldn't hear any of it. It was all mumbled and sounded more animalistic than human.

"Wait what!" I ask seriously. He repeated it again, but this time it sounded worse than before. "What? I can't understand you!" I shouted ticked off. Slowly, I saw his features begin shift and the hair begin to grow. His eyes flashed open and his irises were a vivid gold. Drops of blood leaked from his squeezed fists onto his jeans and his breathing became jagged. His nose began to scrunch up, but not fully transform.

"Stop it Isaac!" Chris swore.

"Calm down Isaac. Look what your doing to her!" Scott shouted.

I didn't even realize I was shaking in my seat and tears brimmed in my eyes. It all came flooding back to me, as I watched frozen in fear. I could handle them in werewolf form, but sometimes, in a time like this where there was no other place to go, it was terrifying. The feeling made you feel as if you where put into an arena and a feral animal was let loose on you. Werewolves were ticking time bombs. I had been a first hand witnessed to that, and angering them only made it worse. That night months ago back in my bedroom with Isaac. The night I remembered what happened back at the Sheriff's station. Anything could have happened, but it didn't because he left. He couldn't leave right now.

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