Chapter VI - So it begins...

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After a 17 good minutes of flight, they passed Claria's vast land and reached Deltoran Skies, the air was hotter, and the sand was dry. After that, they reached the gate of the wall's of Deltora and landed on the sand. Air was more dry and the temperatures were rising. Ignis parted right after leaving them out front. Asrion took a vial of water and drank it. He drank it all th way down and went walking towards the gate, he was allowed to get in and Deki too. After a while they heard some electronic music around and they saw that the city is filled with rave, and everyone dancing at same time. Some DJs called Knife Horde were a pretty big hit, and their tour was live that day, apparently they were a pretty big DJs on other kingdoms. Deki and Asrion dodged the rave and went straight to the Central Museum. They went in and saw the crime lines and talked to the guard of the museum. Deki went and asked him, "Hi, my name is Deki, I'm here for the investigation of the missing bonfire." The guard stands and says, "Oh, we got called in about 7 minutes ago that you would arrive, please take a look at the all the footages and logs of the past 2 months." "Um, can I start interrogating some employees that work on this area of the museum?" "Absolutely, I'll tell the rest of the crew to take breaks while you do so." Deki then sits over by the employees and says, "Look, I'm here to ask you guys some questions in general." They all nod and some zip on a cup of coffee while doing so. "What happened at the night of the robbery?" Said Deki while taking some paper and a pen. An employee said, "Well, at that night, a fire had started, we have had similar fire outbreaks, but this one had a little difference, it wasn't average bonfire ember that had touched the walls. It was hot red, and very hard to turn off. We had a pretty rough time trying to protect it from spreading. After we put out the fire, we turned our faces, and saw that the bonfire had a different warmth, more fiery than ever. And then we decided to see what happened if we touched it, because we have had touched a bonfire before, and it's just a pleasant warm feeling. But bonfires are guiding lights to the dead, allowing the communication with ghosts and such, but our bonfire, this bonfire had turned different. We sent out our most experienced member with the ghostlike events to do so, and he touched the bonfire. And right after he did, the fire had disintegrated his whole body, but only leaving the bones. And the bones fell down and turned into ash. We then realized that the bonfire has been putting out more embers lately, and then we all saw that this bonfire wasn't a bonfire no longer, and it was a fiery portal sending you straight to hell, at least that's what we think, so we decided to keep ourselves out of it's radius, and so we have been here, wondering what will this thing do now." Deki then asked after she wrote some notes, "How hot are the embers of the bonfire?" "Hotter than your average fire, but not hot enough to potentially cause a combustion with the wooden sealing," said another employee. "So It's about 378°F," asked Deki with doubt. "Nope, about 450°F or so." Deki then went to the bonfire, and realized that Asrion was heating his hands on the bonfire. "Asrion what the hell are you doing!?!?!?" "I just felt a little cold so I went here to warm up." "What the hell? Aren't you.....human?" "Yeah, why do ask?" "Do you even know the temperatures of that thing?" "I dunno." Deki, really confused, was trying to figure out why Asrion wasn't bothered by the bonfire. Then Deki saw the position Asrion was in, and he saw that his back was bent and his face, looking at the bonfire and his hands on his legs, siting on the floor. He wasn't touching it, just sitting down. Deki then sat near him and did exactly the same. She felt a pleasant warmth and thought to herself, what really is a bonfire. And then after a minute of feeling that warmth, she realized that bonfires are just a pleasant flame, and that only the dead figure out what it is. It makes no sense, since undead beings are rare to encounter, and it's risky since all the undead are fed with either bone or muscle tissue, brains, blood, and soul-like energy. And then she realized, that a bonfire, is what any undead needs. It has blood on the sword hilt, bones on the bottom, expresses knowledge to the dead, and gives out a pleasant fire, that could probably be a soul-like energy, but she then had to study it and know it to proof scientifically that it was 100% undead source of power. Deki then called Asrion to go eat something at a local dinner, this breakthrough would surely be something. The next day she had plan to test out her theories and put Asrion on Puppet duty. She also was trying to figure out what was exactly stolen from it.

It was night, and walked around town investigating it to get intel on any undead activity so they could figure out what happened to the bonfire. They went downtown and bought at a sandwich place. Asrion took a toast and Deki just water and some potato fries. She then asked him after a lot of awkward silence, "So where do you come from?" Asrion looked and said, "Just a farm." "Is there anything special of the farm?" "They have the best apples in the world." "Really?" "Yeah, just eat one and you feel like you have never tasted such a good apple." "Your life isn't that fun, huh?" "I just am looking for a special flower that can cure my mother's illness." "Well, good luck on that." "What about you?" "Me?" "Yeah, why is your skin red and why did you join the team?" "I don't know." "You don't know why is your skin like that?" "Mm-hm." "And about the team." "I don't know, I just feel like making a change to the world, it's always a war with some huge dictator, and well, we are dealing with a mastermind of war, Eddy, really weird name for an evil guy." "Well to be honest, I don't have a proper name or a proper home, or even a proper family. I mean, all I have is my little brother, Equinox, he's just a great magician, and I'm just shepherd." "You're just the shepherd?" "Yeah, I don't have anything special I'm good at." "To be honest, you are right, but everyone has a purpose and a talent, you just don't have it yet." "I guess you are right, I just haven't had anything important in my life lately." Deki then pats his back and he keeps eating. They get out and walk around the city. After a long day of just looking at the town, she decides to rent two rooms to sleep in. They both call it a night and go to sleep. A shadow had slipped through the window's sight from the room Deki was sleeping in. A glimmer of light could be seen from the smile the shadow had. Truth be told because only ninjas will know of whom was it told...

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