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I stood in front of the door with Jay, I was wearing a white short sleeve and dark blue jean shorts, with red pumps and a black Adidas jacket. Shawn wore jeans and a black shirt, as usual, while we waited for Jasmine. She had decided she was going to dress herself today, and apparently she could not pick what she was going to wear.

"Jasmine! We do not have all day! If you not down here in the next five seconds I am leaving your behind in this house!" I shouted.

"Baby, why you lying?" Shawn chuckled.

"Lying bout what? Imma leave her ass."

"That's why it's been over ten seconds and we still standing here?" He laughed harder.

I playfully hit his arm.

"Fuck you." I giggled.

"Mommy what does that mean?" Jasmine said scaring me.

"What does what mean?"


"NOTHING IT MEAN NOTHING." Shawn answered her before she could say it.

"If it means nothing why did you say it?"

"Ask another question and I'm leaving you home." I told her and that shut her up real quick.

I opened my front door and walked out. Knowing Shawn would lock it behind me.

Jay and I rented out a theatre room so that we could watch that movie the bunny and the fox. Zootopia I think. 

"Momma why is Mr.Nice nicer to me than you are?" Jasmine asked before taking stuffing a handful of her popcorn in her mouth.

"Jasmine that's not ladylike. And, because I'm your mother not one of your lil friends. "

"Mr. Nice Guy, are you one of my lil friends?" Jasmine asked while chomping with her mouth open.

"Jasmine, manners. Let me warn you one more time."


"I'm not one of your little friends either Jaz but, you are just one of my favorite people in the world." Shawn explained to Jasmine.

"I'm a lot of people's favorite."

"Oh yeah? Like -

Shawn's phone rang he glanced at it made a weird look on his face then mouthed I gotta take this, then left us to in the private area of the theater.

"Who's that?" Jasmine asked me.

"I don't know baby."

" I bet it's his mommy because he picked up the phone real quick. "

"You're right he did pick up the phone really quick. "

I began listing names of the hoes he could be talking to at the moment, in my head.

" Bey it was management and they need me in a big meeting right now, we gotta go." He said and all of my previous thoughts flew to the back of my mind.

"Jasmine we gotta go."



"Okay." She got up and grabbed Shawn's hand he pulled her up and began carrying her.

We walked down the streets of NY until we got to Jay's Office which wasn't too far

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We walked down the streets of NY until we got to Jay's Office which wasn't too far.

When we entered the receptionist smiled a little too friendly at Jay. She had a dark chocolate skin tone and beautiful long natural hair making me feel a little jealous. But when Jay paid no mind to her while she smiled her ass off it reassured me they had nothing going on.

"Why you smiling so hard?" I heard Jasmine say in between giggles while laying on Jay's shoulder.

"Jasmine." I smirked at her and looked at the receptionists expression change.

"Sorry but she look like her teeth just about ready to fall out."

"Good afternoon Mr.Carter, Ms. Knowles-Ealy and little sunshine. I'm so glad you brought Ms. Beyoncé here today it would make communication much faster with what we are presenting. "

" Which is?"

"Well, you know that Anti recently came out."

"What's an Anti?" I asked not having any idea of what they were talking about.

"The lady you call Forehead's new album. Ms. Rihanna, I think." Jasmine reminded me.

"Yeah Reagan, what about her, has anything to do with us."

"Well, since Mr. Carter is working on an album that is set to come out next month, for the sales management was thinking...." Jay's Manager Sheldon paused.


"That um, you and Ms. Fenty would go places together, and maybe be seen a lot together in public-"

" You want Shawn to date RihForhead?" Anger boiled inside of me, Shawn was my man.

" Not really, we just want the public to think they are, just for sales. She may be with him in public but you know Mr. Carter will come home to you. " Sheldon tried to calm me down.

" Shawn you are not doing this-"

"Beyoncé I think you are overreacting. It's not like we are fucking or anything, we just go to dinner and smile then I come home, and me and you-" He stopped mid-sentence as he realized Jasmine was present.

" You nasty. " Jasmine muttered under her breath.

" You promise it won't be anything other than dinner?"

"Yep, and then I'll come home to the most beautiful girl in the world. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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