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Shawn hadn't come home for 24 hours. I was worried. Jasmine was too. She actually cried.

"Momma, what if he got stuck in the storm?"

"He didn't. Stop saying stuff like that Jasmine." I rose my eyebrow at Jasmine and the room grew silent. I didn't want her to cry. She was getting soft. I want her to be a tough little girl.

"Momma." She whimpered and that really broke my heart as I watched my little girl sit in a ball and cry. I immediately scooted next to her and pulled her into my big arms.

"It'll be okay. Momma is here."

"Make it last forever, come on baby won't you hold onto me?" I sang to her the song her dad would sing whenever she was a baby. It would calm her down.

"You and I together. Come on baby won't you hold on to me? Hold on to me. Blue."

Blue is what Michael used to call her. She had blue everything. A blue blanket. Her room was painted sky blue. But she hated the color ever since her Dad passed.

"You gotta hold on, I gotta hold o-on"

"Mother?" Jasmine looked up at me and wiped her tears off her eyes.

"Yes child?"

"Dad didn't sing that part."

"No he didn't but, I'd like to put my own swing of things on it."

"Okay, and Mother?"

"Yes daughter?"

"Never, ever say swing of things again please." She giggled and then sniffled.

"But that's just how I roll."

"Oh mother." She sighed into my chest.


"It's been 30 hours Solange, and I finally got Jasmine to sleep. There's big storm! Yes I'm okay. I don't know where- Yes!...No. I will. Bye Love you Lots!" I hung up on my sister. As I began to search for Shawn's number in my phone.

The phone rang three times before someone actually picked up.


"Beyoncé! Oh my god. You're okay! Thank Jesus Christ."

"I'm okay? Shawn you didn't come back to the house. It's been 30 hours. I've been worried sick. Jasmine thinks you're dead. Where are you?" I whisper yelled not wanting to wake up Jasmine who laid in the cold spot of the bed due to Shawn's absence.

"I'm just left a hotel. If I would've made my way back to the house, I would've died, but it's clearing up so I'm heading home now."

It grew silent in our conversation as I cried happy tears. Thankful he was alive. I've been through that before. And Didn't want to go through it again.

" You know I would never ever leave you Beyoncé. Never think that. I love you way too much Beyoncé Giselle Knowles to leave your side and put you through heartbreak like that." He stated and I began to cry even harder.

" I thought you were dead." I cried barley above a whisper.

"Shh. Baby girl I'm here. I'm alive. I'm going to pick up something to eat, do you-

"Me and Jasmine can meet you there." I said before he could finish. Already having my mind made up. Nothing he could say could stop me from seeing him.

"I'm at Chipotle. The one close to the house." He referred to the vacation home.

"Yeah I'm on my way." I sniffled before hanging up on him.

I looked down at myself, I couldn't leave the house in a bright red bra and tan sweatpants! I tiptoed to my suitcase in my room letting Jasmine sleep for a bit before I woke her.

I pulled a regular black long sleeve shirt with my casual blue jeans. I picked my High Top White Chuck Taylor's and slipped my feet into them. Lacing them up quickly.

I then ran to Jasmine's suitcase and pulled a red thin long sleeve with a thin cotton material out along with white leggings and her black UGGs with bows in the back.

I also took a real big red bow before running back to my room where she lay. I shoved her a little bit and she sprung up instantly. She'd never done that before.

Was this little girl possessed?

"Jasmine put your clothes on quick and come back so I can fix your hair."

I heard a deep sigh come out of her and she slowly dragged herself out of the bed pulling the clothes out my hand and glaring at me. I then realized she was okay just exhausted from crying. She probably has a headache.

After waiting for ten minutes she dragged herself to the bed and sat on it facing the opposite way from me allowing me to do her hair. After combing out her just below shoulder length curls I decided in putting her hair in space buns. I knew she loved them because when I showed her the mirror she smiled brightly turned around and kissed my cheek.

"I look cute! Thank you mommy!" She giggled.

"Anytime babe, but we gotta go like now though Jazz so let's get it moving!" I reminded her.

"Where to?"

"Does it matter?"

"I think it does because technically it's like kidnapping me if you take me somewhere I don't wanna go against my will."

" Little girl, that rule doesn't apply to me. Get your tiny ass in the car."

She sighed and walked in front of me to my Range Rover. I buckled Jazz into her car seat before getting into the drivers seat.

" Um, Momma?" Jasmine called me as I pulled the car out the driveway.

"Yes, Child?"

"DeAndre told me my ass was thick not tiny."

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