Chapter 11

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Question of the Day: Invincible by Machine Gun Kelly feat Esther Dean

       Carter sat at her desk flipping through the last file. She wasn't completely looking through the files, all she was doing was seeing if any of the girls' parents were now deceased. By now this brought her down to two cases in all. These were the only two girls that parent were still alive. Morgan walked over to her desk, and she showed him the two files.

"I did some thinking..." She began, before getting cut off by Morgan.

"Oh no, not thinking." He joked, and she scowled.

"Haha, it was so funny. I forgot to laugh." She replied, shaking her head at him.

"That was actually funny Spike, you just don't know." Morgan said, shoving her shoulder lightly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, old man." She replied, laughing at her own joke.

"That was mean. I'm not that old." He said, crossing his arms over his chest and fake pouting.

"You're acting like a child." She joked, sticking her tongue out at him.

"So are you!" He whined, and she rolled her eyes.

        She shook her head at him, as they laughed at each other's childish ways. They liked being able to joke around sometimes. They were both happy that it wasn't all business all the time, since that'd cause them to go crazy.

        Reid watched as the two shared a laugh and he smiled. He liked that Carter had an older brother figure in her life. He loved seeing her laughing and joking around, as the two joked around. He was also glad that she wasn't a shy person, or he wouldn't have known much about her, even though he still doesn't know much about her still.

"Back to what I was saying." Carter started, as she got back to business, "I went through the files and thought 'what about eliminating the ones with deceased parents?'"

"Why though?" Morgan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Judging by the work and the way everything is done, the person who is committing these murders is not a rape victim. The unsub is actually just the one that got told about it." Carter explained, and he nodded skeptically.

"Well, I guess if that is true, than how many cases do you have left?" Morgan asked her, and she sighed.

"Two." She answered, and he nodded.

"Well, get Garcia to send you their addresses and we'll check them out." Morgan started, before walking away.

        He decided to tell the team about Carter's suggestions. He was pretty sure she was probably right, but he still needed the team to know. Morgan actually really wanted to know why Carter knew so much, and how her assumptions were so spot on. He really felt like asking her about everything, but he had no idea how to ask her. He can't just be like 'Hey Spike, I know some screwed up thing happened to you as a child, since you know so much. So, what happened?' That would screw up not only their friendship, but also his face, since Carter would probably punch him, hard.

      As Carter was shifting through the two files, she saw something that caught her a eye, a file she hadn't checked yet. She picked it up and opened it up. As soon as she did though, she wished she hadn't

'Name: Carter Joelle Spike
Age: 18
DOB: January 12, 1994
Description: brown hair, blue eyes, 5'5" 106 lbs

Parent(s): mother: Francine Regina Spike father: unknown

Description of Accident: Spike was walking back to her dorm in the late hours of the night, when a man attacked her from behind, covering her mouth. She then had a gag tied around her mouth, was pout in restraints, and then raped.

Important Notes: 1. Spike weeks later found out she was pregnant.
2. The rapist was never found. '

      As soon as Carter finished reading her own file, she felt sick to her stomach. Something was not right and she knew it. It's been four years since the events of that night and she still can not forget what happened. It has haunted her since then, but still is happy that such a wonderful gift came from such a traumatic experience.

      Ellie was her pride and joy, but she still made sure that none of the team knew about Ellie just yet. If they asked about kids she'd tell the truth, but not on how Ellie was conceived. She would try and hide that for as long as possible. She knew it wouldn't be long before someone in the team asked about kids, but she wanted the case to be finished by then at least. Things always happen for a reason though, so you never know when questions might be asked...


A/N: Hey guys! I'm trying to drag out the suspense of the ending. This kills me when I read stories that do that, but I like doing it. That's so hypocritical, but I still do it anyway.

Question of the Day: What is your favorite restaurant(s)?

        Mine are Ryan's which is a buffet, Taco Bell, Jack's, and Maccas.

Love you all!

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-Youngblood Xxx

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