Chapter 6

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Song of the Day: All the Small Things by Blink 182

"Well, what if this whole killing thing, didn't start because of what happened to the unsub, but what may have happened to someone they really cared about? Like, a daughter, niece, sister, or best friend." Agent Carter suggested, causing the other agents to look over at her.

"What made you think this?" JJ asked, and she fidgeted in her seat.

"Oh, uh, nothing, just came to my mind I guess." She replied, stuttering slightly.

       None of the team seemed to catch on to this except for Reid and Morgan, but they chose to not press the fact anymore than it already has been.

"Do you think you can narrow the search down any?" Penelope asked Carter, knocking the other two out of their trances.

"Judging by the work of the unsub, I would say no less than six years ago to now." Carter replied, as Garcia nodded.

"Alright, well that narrows it down to..woah, six hundred cases." She announced, as Carter sighed.

"How about narrow it down to the area and cases that hadn't been solved yet, or were marked as not important. Maybe the event that happened to the young girl ended in her pregnancy." Prentiss stated, and Garcia nodded.

"Will do. Penny G, out." Penelope said, as she disappeared off of the screen.

"Good work, Carter. I will be expecting great things out of you." Hotchner stated, and she nodded.

"Will do, Hotch." She replied, smiling slightly.

      The team exited the room, but Carter stayed in her chair. She lay her head in her hands and sighed loudly, before darting her head up and running her hands through her hair frustratedly. Why were my nightmares coming back? she thought to herself. Maybe they're a sign, or maybe she's just crazy.

      As she was having a battle of words in her head, her phone started to ring. She knew for a fact it was her mother, since her mother seems to call at the wrong times. She sighed, before answering the phone.

"Hey mom, yeah. What's wrong with her? Is she okay? Yeah, she can talk to me. Hey sweetie. I heard baby. Yeah, but you need to rest okay, sweetie? I'll be home to you soon, sweetie. Okay, bye baby. Mommy loves you. Bye bye." Carter said, as she  spoke into the phone, not realising that Morgan was watching her fidget around frustrated.

"Are you okay, Spike?" He asked her, and she nodded.

"Yeah, I should be." She replied, chuckling.

"I know you're not, so quit lying to me." Morgan stated, and she frowned.

"Just drop it!" Carter exclaimed, walking out the room.

        As she walked out of the room, she could feel herself growing sorry for the way she acted towards Morgan. It was just the fact that Morgan was trying to ask all these questions at once. Questions that not even Carter could answer herself. As she was distracted by her thoughts, she bumped into someone. When she looked up, she saw Spencer looking down at her, holding her steady with his hands on her arms.

"I'm sorry, Spence, I wasn't watching where I was walking." Carter explained quickly, and he shook his head.

"It's fine Carter, I was wondering," Reid started, nervously, "if you might like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?" He asked, and she bit her lip.

"Uh, sure. Yeah, I'd like that. It would get my mind off of work for a while." She replied, smiling.

"Good, we'll be leaving at 4:30." He said, before rushing off.

       The bad mood that Carter was in earlier had disappeared, and now she had a small smile stained on her face. She didn't exactly know how to feel about this, but she knew that it was supposed to be a good feeling, now all she needed to do was apologize for her outburst at Morgan.

      Carter searched around for Morgan and soon found him talking to Prentiss. He was sat perched on her desk, holding a file in one hand and a coffee in the other. This reminded Carter of a woman and she fought the urge to giggle at him. She walked over towards the duo and Morgan looked at her, while Prentiss smiled brightly.

"Hey Spike, what brings you here?" Prentiss asked, smiling.

"I need to talk to Morgan really quick." Carter replied, returning the smile.

"Okay, Morgan follow the girl." Prentiss stated, pushing him lightly off of her desk.

       He followed slowly after Agent Carter, until they both walked behind a set of doors and made sure nobody could hear or eavesdrop on the two of them.

"Morgan, I'm sorry about earlier." Carter said, frowning.

"It's fine, Spike, but what made you feel like you had to apologize?" Morgan asked her, curiously.

"You're the one I'm closest to on the team. You're like my older brother, I never had." She replied, and he smiled.

"Oh, well good. I felt similar to you." He answered, and she smiled.

"Well, I also needed your opinion on something." She said, shakily.

"What?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Spence asked me out to dinner tomorrow night and I accepted, now what should I do?!" She quietly shrieked, and he bit his lip.

"What time?" He asked, running his tongue over his top teeth in thought.

"At 4:30, now what should I do?" She asked, flashing her puppy dog eyes.

"Go and be yourself. You're a wonderful person, Reid will like you either way. He already had to, otherwise he wouldn't have asked you to dinner in the first place." Morgan answered, and she sighed.

"Thanks, Derek." She stated, as she hugged him.

      As Derek hugged her back, he could feel how weak of a hug she had. It's not because she was weak or sick. Actually, it was because she was always so gentle with everyone on the team or the victims families that she meets, especially children, which made Morgan wonder, who is Ellie? He was going to find out soon hopefully. Only time will tell what is to come of the future...


A/N: Hope y'all liked this chappie. Y'all probably weren't thinking I was going to add this so soon to the chappie, but I thought it fit well with what I have planed for the future.

Question of the Day: What are your thoughts on the death of Prince? How do you think it happened?

      I thought it was sad that Prince died, and from what I read somewhere Prince died from drug overdose while he had the flu. Kinda like Michael Jackson, who died of overdose, due to his doctor telling him to take the drugs.

      There is also this suspicion that Prince had a premonition and knew exactly when he was gonna die, so he chose where he did. His newer song Paisley Park and in another song he mentioned an elevator. So they say he chose the elevator in Paisley Park.

    Now the world is wearing purple...and fountains are flowing water like purple rain. R. I. P. Prince.

Love you guys!


-Youngblood Xxx

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