Chapter 1

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Song of the day: Teenage Desperate by the Janoskians

    Nervous, that is what SSA Carter Spike felt as she woke up from her sweet slumber of the night before. She rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. After a quick shower, she dried and straightened her hair, then put on her suit. Afterward, she put on very minimal makeup, then slipped on her hidden heel All Stars. She couldn't stand regular heels, so this was her everyday go to for anytime she has to wear heels.

      It was now 8:30 in the morning, which was time for her to head to her new job at the BAU. Carter walked out of the door and made sure to lock it, before she walked to her white, 2002 Ford Expedition. Her Expedition was in a very clean state, since she did not like a mess when it came to her house or her vehicle, unless it was caused by a small child.

      Fifteen minutes later, she pulled up outside of the building. Walking inside and riding through the elevator, Carter tapped her foot on the ground. Her nerves were getting to her, which caused her heart rate to beat abnormally in her chest.

     As soon as the ding of the bell to the elevator sounded, Carter stood straight and walked into the room full of other agents. Some of the agents stood around her and introduced themselves, asking her questions about herself.

      Dr. Reid stood feet away from the others, analyzing the new agent from afar. By the way she fidgeted, he could tell that she was nervous. JJ showed the new agent her desk and ironically enough, the new agent's desk was right next to his.

"We have a new case." Penelope Garcia, the team's technical analysis, said, as she walked through the room full of agents.

     All of the agents filed into the room and sat around the table. The empty seat next to Dr. Reid was now occupied by the new agent. Dr. Reid did not feel too excited about it, but could not complain since it was not his seat to complain about.

"Okay, so this case is a real doozy." Garcia said, typing away at her computer.

"Why is that?" SSA Derek Morgan asked, looking up at Garcia.

"When you look at the pictures I have sent to you all, you will see." She explained, causing everyone to look at their tablets.

"Well, that's uh, disturbing." SSA Jennifer Jereau said, with a disgusted face showing.

"Yes it is. It seems as if the killer has a fetish with perfumes and scents, too, all three bodies that were found had a lot of different scents on them. They also had a rash from where the scents were applied, kind of like they were allergic to it." Garcia explained, as Carter scowled.

"Any sight of sexual assault?" SSA Carter Spike asked, causing Garcia to frown.

"Yes actually, but it was only tears of their vaginal area, none of the unsub's DNA was recovered in or on the girls." Garcia answered, as she looked through her file.

"And how old did you say these girls were?" Dr. Spencer Reid asked, looking up at Garcia.

"Frita was seventeen, Holly was sixteen, and Callie was eighteen." She replied, sadness washing over her.

"Maybe the unsub is a young male." JJ offered, looking around at the team.

"Or maybe he's in his mid thirties or forties, and may have witnessed this happen to a friend or family member close to him." Carter commented, as she looked over the pictures once more.

"Maybe this isn't even a male at all. What if this is a female, who is making these girls relive what she had went through in her teen years?" Dr. Reid said, as he scrunched his eyebrows in thought.

"Maybe, but with that kind of tearing, would she be working in a team? Or does she have a messed up weapon of choice?" Morgan asked, as he looked over his pictures again as well.

"Wheels up in twenty." SSA Aaron Hotchner said, walking out of the room.

     Everyone walked out of the room and agent Carter went to her desk. She pulled out her phone from her drawer and typed in her pass code to enter her phone '1404' which was the day of her birth and her favorite number. She opened up her text messages and saw that she had a new message from her mother.

     Dr. Spencer Reid watched the new agent from afar, seeing how her stance had changed from nervous to calm in less that three seconds. He wanted to know the new agent's name, so that it wouldn't be awkward if someone asked a question about her, like for instance, her name. He felt a presence appear beside him, so he pulled his attention from the agent to the person that was beside him.

"Something bothering you, Reid?" Morgan asked, looking down at Reid.

"No, not at all. Why do you ask?" He replied, as Morgan pursed his lips.

"Because you keep looking at the new agent like she's a big scary Senior and you're a small weak Freshman." Morgan joked, and Reid scowled.

"No, that's not it. Actually I haven't even introduced myself, what is her name anyway?" Reid asked, and Morgan chuckled.

"Her name is Carter Spike, but by now I would have thought you knew." Morgan replied, and Reid shrugged.

"No, I haven't had the time to introduce myself." Reid answered, and Morgan smirked.

"Well, you are later. I'll make you sit next to her if I have to, since there's something about her to you isn't there, pretty boy?" Morgan asked, playfulness in his voice.

"No." Reid stated simply, as he walked to his desk.

      Carter texted her mother back for the third time and waited for a reply. As she waited for a reply, she heard her name being called.

"Hey pretty girl, you seem to be eased up more." Morgan said, and she smiled.

"Yes, I am. You guys are very welcoming, but my mother has also been helping me with my nerves." Carter replied, and he smiled.

"How is that?" He asked, and she shrugged.

"Well, I told her that I got a new job, but I never told her where or what. I kind of want to surprise her actually. Like maybe after my first case or something?" Carter commented, and Morgan nodded.

"Oh, that sounds like a good idea." He answered, and she smiled again.

     Dr. Reid watched from his desk, as the two agents conversed at Carter's desk. He had a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach as he watched the duo. He didn't know what this foreign feeling was, but he knew it was new. He wanted to figure it out, and he knew that it all started with agent Carter...



Hello fellow Reid lovers. I hope you guys like this book. I'm thinking about turning this into a series of books, instead of just one.

Question of the day: Who is your favorite character in Criminal Minds? Why?

P.S. 'Cuz he's hot' is a great explanation, probably the best, and the one I'd use.

Love you all!

Comment &

-Youngblood Xxx

Ridiculous (Criminal Minds Series/ Spencer Reid) #1 [✔]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora