nineteen [doing what's right]

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Barry sat in the train, the words 'don't let your emotion's stop you from doing what's right' echoing in his head. Maybe that would be the key to putting Lauren in jail, the place she really belongs for her crimes. Maybe I let my emotions stop me from bring this case to court, Barry thought. I have enough evidence, Barry added on in his head. Letting his own thoughts sink in, Barry let himself fall asleep.

"Is it true you met the Batman? What's he look like? Is he buff? Is he smart? Or course he's smart, he makes his own weapons! Does he really wear a black bat costume? Does he have a cape? Can he fly?" Cisco's last question made Caitlin look over at the engineer, she raised her eyebrow at him. "What?" Cisco shrugged his shoulders, "Bat's can fly. Why can't Batman?" He defended himself, adding a little more than needed emphasis on 'bat'.

"Yes. Can't tell you, except he's a man. Yes, yes, yes, yes, and no to the flying." Barry answered. "I learned something valuable from him though. He told me to not let my emotions stop me from doing what is right. All this time, I've been letting my emotion's stop me from getting to my true potential. Now I know, defeating meta-humans requires me to put my thoughts of hurting them aside, this includes my regular job. I've been holding off on putting Lauren behind bars because I think that it's not the right thing to do, but I know now that it is." With this knew-found information and confidence, Barry made a quick exit.

The group left behind stood rooted to the ground. They heard, not seconds earlier, that Barry was going to put Lauren in jail. Each shook their head, trying to wrap the fact that their friend was putting an innocent girl into a prison. But even though they were doubtful if Barry was in his right mind, they still trusted that he would come to the right decision. Soon enough, after their shock wore off, Caitlin, Cisco, and Harrison went back to figuring out how to make S.T.A.R. Labs safer with the device Barry received from Lucius Fox.

Barry was already jogging into the precinct. He mumbled a few-okay it was more than a few-sorry's and excuse me's along the way. Barry called out for Joe, soon the officer poked his head around the corner to tell his adoptive son to 'shut up before he lost his job' and waved his hand, motioning for Barry to come join him.

"I think I know who killed Eric Hall." Barry immediately told Joe West. The policeman opened his mouth, but only to find himself closing it again. "Wait-what?" Joe managed to ask once he maintained his ability to speak. Barry nodded, the forensic scientist moved to show his dad all the evidence.

"See this?" Barry pointed to the picture he showed Joe of the initials of the killer by the body. "That's the killer. See this?" Barry played the videos. Each one showing how Lauren's story changed. "Look at this." Barry shoved a typed record under Joe's nose, the older man let out a sigh and continued to read. "Lauren said that she left after the search and investigation, meaning a few months after Eric's disappearance. But that record," Barry pointed to the paper in Joe's hand, "says that she left the day of his disappearance." Barry quickly turned towards his computer again, clicking on another video. "Lauren says that the S.W.A.T.T. team was brought in on her case, but we all know-anyone would know, it's basic knowledge-that S.W.A.T.T. teams aren't brought in on homicide cases. Just a little side note, I learned-don't ask me from who, it's been confidential so far-that Lauren Locke isn't Lauren's true name. It's really Eveline McZuller."

"Eveline McZuller? E.M? E.M!" Joe quickly connects the dots. Barry nods his head, happy that Joe was catching on. "This is enough evidence to convict her. If I were you, I'd do it now."

And as Joe advised, Barry set a trail up, immediately.

Barry stood in front of the judge, he paced back and forth as he listed all the evidence he collected. "That is all, Your Honor." Barry said, sitting back down in the pews.

"Would anyone like to plead in defense of Ms. Locke?" The judge asked, all hands remained at the sides of people's body. "I hereby declare Lauren Locke as guilty of mass murder. The murders including Eric Hall and several more. Punishment: lifetime in prison." And with a sharp tap of the mallet, Lauren was seized and was pushed into a squad car.

Later people congratulated Barry for his keen eye and for making sure no others were murdered by the hands of Lauren Locke.

"You did great." Someone said from behind Barry's back. The scientist turned to be faced with Ellie.

"You saw?" Ellie nodded.

"You did it for the best, who knows what could've happened if Lauren remained seemingly innocent in Central City?"

"But was it truly for the best?" Barry further questioned.

Ellie simply shrugged, "It depends on who's perspective you choose to take."

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