six [friends of friends]

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The group of friends sat at a small table laughing at Cisco and Barry ranting about random scientific stuff, and occasionally Caitlin added opinions and facts into their little argument.

After a few minutes of happiness Eddie's phone rang, "Hey, sorry, I'm needed at the Station. I'll see you later." Eddie kissed Iris goodbye, then hurried to the CCPD. Like always, Barry let out a huff and checked his phone only a couple seconds later after Eddie.

"Sorry. I'm probably going to be needed soon, too." Barry rised from his seat, swinging on his coat. "It was nice to be able to hang out, sort of. I'll see you sometime later Lauren. Better go before I'm late." Then Barry ran out of Jitters, at a normal speed

I guess it's just Caitlin, Cisco, and I, Lauren thought to herself. "Uh, Caitlin and I have to go see some results from a test, a scientific test. You know." The two scientists made a quick leave after announcing their departure.

"Looks like we both have work." Iris turns to the now unhappy ex-science teacher. Groaning in annoyance, Lauren forced herself out from the booth and maked her way behind the counter to put on her apron.

"Hello!" Lauren greeted her next costumers. A cute young couple holding hands stepped up the the counter. "How are you guys today?." Lauren puts on a smile, trying to be as polite as possible. "Would you like to order today?" She said the line with ease, she's said the line at least a thousand times, maybe even more.

"Sure, we could like two caramel cappuccinos, please." The young man ordered without hesitation.

"Coming right up, if you need anything, don't be afraid to give me a holler."

Two hours later, Lauren was making another coffee and working at the register. The bell at the counter rang, announcing that someone was waiting for service. "Hold on!" Lauren called out from behind her back, too busy making someone's order. "Hi," she turns to the counter, not even bothering to look up to see her customer, "Welcome to Jitters, how may I help you?"

"Uh," that voice sounded familiar, Lauren can't help but look up to see the man who she knew the voice belonged to. "I'll have The Flash, please. Oh, only one cup this time." Barry laughed to himself about, Lauren assumes, how much coffee he wanted to order.

"No Cisco or Caitlin?" Lauren made small chit chat with her current crush of sorts.

"Nah," Barry waved a dismissive hand and shrugged his shoulders, "I'm pretty sure they're testing some stuff. Maybe the effects of molecular hydrogen on-" Barry then quickly cut himself off realizing that he was going into a full on 'nerd', as Iris likes to call it.

"Well, the beginning or what you just told me sounds really interesting." Barry's scientific rant only reminded Lauren of Eric and how he did what Barry just did, the very thing she loved about Eric.


Lauren Locke and Eric Hall sat across each other at the local café in Greenville. It was September of their junior year at college. the smell of burgers wafted through the air, only making Lauren hungrier.

"Harrison Wells is the smartest man ever!" Eric argued with Lauren, while Eric thought the smartest man is Dr. Harrison Wells Lauren disagreed fully and thought that the title belonged to Dr. Henry Langston at F.I.R.E Labs. "Star Labs sounds so much cooler than F.I.R.E Labs. I mean S.T.A.R Labs stands for 'Scientific and Technological Advanced Research Laboratories'. Doesn't that sound so cool!" Eric continued to argue, not allowing Lauren to win this mini battle.

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