twelve [bits of the puzzle]

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Barry was pacing back and forth, unknowingly annoying and heightening Felicity Smoak's nerves. "Would you stop pacing?" The computer expert asked the forensic scientist as she continued to click away on her keyboard once again.

"Did you find anything, or am I just going to have to keep assuming that Lauren is guilty?" Barry spun on his heel to face Felicity's many computers monitors.

"Hold on, this drive is a lot harder to hack, the creator of it is almost as smart as me." Felicity complimented.

"Almost? Does that mean you've figured it out?" Barry's excitement was clear when he almost wheeled Felicity's chair away from the computers.

"Yup." And just for show, Felicity pushed the last button to hack the drive, all the stollen police reports scatter all over the screen in front to the two geniuses.

"I knew something was up, Lauren's stories didn't match up." Barry mumbled more to himself, but Felicity still heard.

"How? What was wrong with her stories?" The curious computer genius pressed.

"Everything. I need you to send me all that information, and you can be a witness if the judge thinks I made all that," Barry points to the screen and all the information scattered on it, "up." Felicity complied, later handing Barry the drive. "I'll see you later, tell Oliver I said hi." Then with a giant blow of wind, Barry sped away, the only thing giving away his running was the red streak he left behind.

"Hey guys." Barry briskly walked into the cortex. He quickly made a move to the computers, unsurprisingly Cisco occupied them, leaving Barry with one choice: remove Cisco by force.

"Hey!" Cisco pouted as he landed on the floor after Barry pushed him out of the chair.

"Sorry, dude, but I've got to use this computer." Barry apologized, but his attention was already given to the screen. Cisco watched as Barry quickly went through the the security cameras.

"What are you doing?" Cisco asked Barry.

"Trying to get the video one a day that Iris and Lauren talked about her past." Barry doesn't deny that he was probably breaking two or three laws, or maybe even a little more than that. "If I break any of these laws," Barry handed Cisco a piece of paper naming all the laws he could've been - and most likely- breaking, "I can, because I'm a CSI." Barry's eyes were fixated on the chat that Iris and Lauren are having in the video.

"I had a family. It was me and Eric, my boyfriend as you know, and that was it. It was a small family, but a good one. After teaching a fifth grade class, I walked home, expecting my boyfriend to be waiting for me but he wasn't. He called me and told me to meet him at the park, at our bench, but when I got there he was gone. I spent hours waiting for him, he never came. That week the police teams were out looking for him, but nobody found him, and he's still missing till this day. The only thing he left was a note, I told the local police that it wasn't his writing - I should know because he was the love of my life - but no one believed me. So I moved here, after months of unsuccessful searching I had enough, I wanted a clean slate."

You could hear Lauren say, Barry rewinds the video making sure his ears didn't decide him. "You heard what Lauren said in the surveillance footage, right?" Barry asks Cisco, double checking that Cisco heard.

"Yeah, but what's the importance?" Cisco asks as he leans closer to the computer, he was hoping to find some way cool unnoticeable surge of power come off of Lauren, but he had no such luck.

Quickly, Barry got into the surveillance at the CCPD, more specifically, his lab. He watched closely as Lauren talked about her passed, then he paused it. "Now look and listen to this." Barry told Cisco to watch.

"That was before the law enforcement was out looking for him for weeks when he disappeared." Lauren said out loud.

"And this." Barry fast forwarded a few seconds.

"I was waiting for him at the trails by the park but he never showed." The recording of Lauren said.

"Usually I don't like that there's a camera in my lab, but now I'm just glad it's there." Barry mumbled, he turns to be faced with a shocked and open mouthed Cisco. "Don't worry, I delete the parts when I'm using my speed." The reassurance from Barry's words made Cisco's open mouth close only slightly.

"So, what I'm getting is she lied?" Cisco questioned, even though he knew the answer to the question he just asked.

"Exactly! She lied." Barry pointed at Cisco in a frantic manor. "Joe once told me- it was good advice- that if someone's guilty they'll make a mistake. This," Barry pointed to the tapes, "is a mistake. Not only that but she gave me a drive, do you know anything about it?" Barry pulled the drive out of his pocket.

"No. Way. That's a- you do know what that is right!" Cisco said bouncing from his seat. "Dude, that small machine is like super, I mean like super rare! It's called a-"

"Memoria Dimirti Flagel." Barry cuts Cisco off in his excitement rant.


"Translating to Memory Swipe Dimitri. I already know." Barry, once again, cut his friend off.

"How?" Cisco wondered out loud, the drive in Barry's hand was so rare that basically no one knew about it.

"Felicity." Barry simply answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"You went to visit Felicity without me?" Cisco all but whined.

"Yes, and guess what's on the Memoria Dimirti Flagel?" But Barry didn't give Cisco time to guess. "All the police reports involving Eric Hall's death, and even more convenient, Lauren was the one who gave this to me." Barry stared at the tiny piece of tech, frustrated that he didn't notice that Lauren revolved around all the unsolved evidence. "I have an idea. Her friend, Ellie, she has the same initials as this E.M. person, maybe she's that person. Maybe Lauren's working with Ellie."

"Or working for her and she's just a pawn in the game. You should get her to meet with you. You might just be able to get her to talk." Cisco suggested.

"That's a good idea, can you track her phone?" Barry asked, Cisco simply scoffs at his friend.

"Who's the best hacker?" The childish young man asked his friend rhetorically.

"Uh- Felicity?"

"What supportive friend you are." Cisco mumbled. "Here." Cisco pointed to the number on his screen.

"Hello?" A voice answered after a few rings.

"Is this Ellie Miller?" Barry asked.

"Who's asking?" The person growled through the other end.

"I'm a friend of Lauren's, I'm Barry. I was wondering if we could meet?"

"Fine. Three, tomorrow, Big Belly Burger. Don't be late." Then Ellie hung up.

"Looks like I've got plans tomorrow at three." Barry told Cisco.

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