Chapter 13

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It had been an hour or two by the time anyone had found where Dan was but the missing boat was the biggest clue. All the members of Bastille had been taken to a police station to get their story straight. The only detail Dan didn't include was the bite. There was nothing the police could do now and no charges were pressed about the boat, no doubt the rich owners could afford another posh vessel.

"You look rough," Kyle said after they had left the police station.

"Is it surprising?" Dan asked, pulling his collar up further.

"Why did you even do that? We were all terrified," Woody said.

"I don't even know," he replied, way too tired to think of a good reason.

So they got in the Buick Riviera 1972 for one last time to finally go home.


Dan looked at his reflection in his bathroom mirror, inspecting the marks on his neck. Two red lumps looked back at him. He didn't want people to think any different of him. He wasn't a monster.

After having a shower he picked up the same books about vampires, that he promised the others he would send back to the library, and slipped into his warm bed. He flicked through the pages until he got to the chapter he was looking for and started to read.

Despite their deadly traits, not all vampires are evil. So-called half bloods can occur when a human is bitten by a creature but does not get the opportunity to kill or consume their victim. This allows them to develop characteristics shared by the vampire but will never fully transform to this monstrous being.
There is much evidence of half bloods living peacefully within the human community.

Dan felt hopeful for his future. Maybe this wasn't the end of his career. In fact, it could be quite cool.

He put in the first disk of his Twin Peaks box set in the TV in his bedroom. The opening titles came up and he snuggled down, ready to accept his weirdness with something equally as strange.

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