Chapter 7

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They had been driving for about 20 minutes. The vampires had soon dropped away as the sun came up, much to Dan's relief as he wasn't the most confident driver at the best of times.

"I'm impressed, mate," Kyle said to him.

Dan sighed. "I don't know what the hell I was thinking."

"It worked though!" Woody chipped in.

"Where are we going next?" Will asked after a while.

"How about we meet another old pal?" Dan said cheekily.

The car pulled up at semi detached house further North, above London. The Buick pulled up in front of the driveway looking rather muddy. The other band members laughed when they realised where he was taking them.

They knocked on the door and were greeted by a shocked face.

"Ralph!" Kyle called.

"What the fuck, guys? Everyone thought you were dead!" he said which wasn't the reaction they were hoping for.

"Thanks for the welcome," Will said sarcastically, pushing past him into the house.

Ralph let them go in and shut the door.

"So you're not in trouble after all? You've been letting everyone worry sick, including your family!" Ralph said.

"Hang on," Dan told him, sitting on the sofa in the living room. "We're still in danger, the vampires are still after us. They're not just going to go away."

"Why don't you just call the police?" Ralph said back, fiddling with the things on his fireplace.

"It's not as simple as that," Woody said,  "they have to be killed right, don't they? They can't just shoot them with machine guns!"

"Since when did you guys become experts in vampire slaying?" Ralph asked, amused.

"We're not," Dan said.

"Then maybe we should go and find out," Kyle said joyfully. "Who's a with me!" He ran out of the room with one hand in the air.

The rest of them sighed and followed him out into the hallway.

AN: Sorry, this a bit of a short chapter but I need to start a new one for when they arrive at their next stop in their tour ;)

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