Chapter 4

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They had eaten some food in the car, Dan changed his hoodie and they set off on the road again. They were heading to some studios they had been recording some final things at for their new album. Where else could they go? It had been like a second home for a while.

They arrived after a twenty minute drive at a tall, brick building. Entering the door, Bastille wound their way to the main recording studio. They heard music being played, bass guitars and singing. Rounding the corner, they saw a band playing through the Perspex window of the recording area. Inside was none other than Two Door Cinema Club.

The band finished their song and came out to greet them.

"Alex! Sam! Kevin!" Dan said happily.

"What's going on?" Alex said in his Irish accent. "Everyone thought you might be dead!"

"Well. We're not," Will said with a laugh.

"What about your families?" Sam asked.

"We can't tell anyone. The vampires follow everywhere we go," Dan said, serious.

"I think we can help," Kevin told them. "Follow me."

They all traipsed through the many rooms of the building to a small store room that Dan didn't even know was there. Pulling out a box full of maps, Kevin showed them one with a red cross marking out a spot.

"How did you find these?" Alex asked.

"Oh, I got lost the first time we came here."


"Well, anyway, this map marks some sort of military hideout. You could hide there but it still won't get rid of them."

"It looks abandoned so no one will stop us," Kyle said.

"I vote we go," Woody said.

"Me too," Will exclaimed in a suave manner.

"Okay then, I guess that's are next stop," Dan announced.

AN: This was a bit of a filler chapter but the plot will soon pick up.

But I don't mean LP2 "soon" btw.

Walking Out Into The Dark {Complete}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora