Chapter 11

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The gentle breathing of four sleeping men filled the car as waves quietly splashed not far away. Dan woke as the alarm on his phone vibrated in his pocket to signal 11 o'clock. It was one hour earlier than they agreed to set their plan in motion. He slipped from the car as silently as he could manage but the others didn't even stir.

Dan had made his decision. It was time to walk out into the dark, alone.

He wrapped his denim jacket closer around him as he made his way to the town centre of Plymouth. He only had to wait minutes before he felt that deathly coolness again. Many shadows appeared as the vampires were drawn towards Dan, hungry for his blood.

"So you have come to hand yourself over," the largest vampire spoke.

Dan was horrifically fascinated by this creature. It's slightly mutated features and tall, thin frame gave it a menacing appearance but this wasn't the time to be admiring looks.

"Urm, no. Not really," Dan said as he turned on his heal and ran away, the creatures following.

He was aware of his slight head start as he sprinted through the streets of Plymouth to the harbour until he reached the boats. He didn't want to do this but he had to. Checking a boat to see that it was empty, he untied it and climbed aboard. He was relieved to find  the key in a compartment below the deck and when he started the engine it was more or less silent. The boat sped away just as all of the vampires leaped on the deck.

But this was all part of the plan. He had deliberately chosen a large enough boat to hold them all. They must be travelling fairly fast considering they were a good distance out at sea now. Dan was highly aware of the approaching creatures as he badly drove the boat. To be honest, he was surprised he didn't crash it on the way out of the harbour. He slowed the speed down as he realised how far out they were and turned to the vampires.

Crap. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. When would this ever have been a good idea? All eleven of the remaining vampires surrounded him, smiling evilly into his face. Dan was pushed up against the controls, trying not to shake with fear.

"You took one of our brothers only last night, now it's time to take you," one of them hissed.

Dan dived to the floor and tried to push through their legs. He was mildly aware of how pathetic he felt but he managed to break through, despite their clawing hands. He went on to grab one of the ropes on the boat and pulled as hard as he could. The main sail swung wildly, knocking three of the vampires across the boat. They then succeeded to crash into the water as it caused the boat to change direction suddenly. Dan hung onto the sail as it hung over the water. Looking down into the waves he grimly saw the creature violently dissolve into the salt water of the sea.

"How dare you!" some of the vampires screeched.

They reached out with their sharp fingers to drag him back onto the deck. They pinned him down as they all looked over his face with snarling mouths and pointy canines. He was in trouble now.

AN: Sorry for my appalling knowledge of Plymouth and boats but I hope you're enjoying the story. I'm really excited for you to read the final ending. I actually thought of the ending first and this story is the build up to that.

Walking Out Into The Dark {Complete}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora