Angry is not a good colour

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I heard an extremely loud crash coming from the bottom of the stairs and knew immediately that Chase had beaten down the door.

He was in the house with me and we were alone...

Making it up the last few steps, I paced down the corridor, Chases heavy footsteps not far behind. Where to hide?

It's my bloody house and I don't know where to hide!

"Hayley! Get back here now!" Chase roared somewhat behind me.

"No can do Mr Brooding!" I hollered back, if I even considered stopping now I knew it would end in a massive ass whooping.

I just had to make it to the pack house, that way I will be around people making it easier for me to blend in. However, at this rate it didn't look like I was going to make it so a backup plan was needed.

Jump through the window?

No way, I'll break a bone and even with werewolf healing it would be too late.

Go ninja on his ass?

I've already punched him once today, that turned him into a psychopath. Imagine how going full Jackie Chan mode would end.

My untimely death no doubt.

Before I had time to consult a plan with myself the wind was knocked clean out of my lungs as Chase tackled me to the ground. My chest was pressed against the floor, Chase's chest pressed tightly against my back.

"Stop running from me." His deep timbre voice growled in my ear, his lips brushing my skin every time he spoke. It was sending Shei into overdrive as the closeness of our bodies was not helping me keep her under control.

To be was sending me into overdrive. Damn you mate bond!

"I wouldn't have to run if you stopped being a possessive, angry ass!" I snapped back as I attempted to shove the heavy lump of godlike creatures off of me.

"I wouldn't have to be one if you just accepted me as your mate. This would of been a lot easier." He roughly turned me over so that our chests were together and we were now facing each other.

"Why can't you accept that I'm happy without a mate." I glared at him, refusing to back down. "I'm able to choose my own path and follow it in whatever direction I want. Nobody to hold me back. No one to tell me what I can and can't do. A free wolf with the whole world at my paws."

Chase looked torn, his angry demeanour fading, "Why can't you do that with me?" He sighed, "we could have the world at our fingertips...together."

His large hand gently stroked the side of my face, warm tingles erupting at the source.

I felt deflated as I heard the sincerity behind his voice "I'm," I paused as I thought of the right thing to say, "I'm just better off alone."

"No you're not. You will never be alone again because you are mine." Chase rumbled softly before standing up and hauling me over his shoulder.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I slapped his back as hard as I could, hoping that he would release me.

Unfortunately Chase didn't look like he would be letting me go anytime soon. In fact, his grip tightened as he continued to go back down the stairs and out the front door.

"I'm taking you home." He stated simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Home? If you didn't already notice with those abnormally large, hostile eyes, we were already in my home. I think you are the one that needs to go home." I hissed as I tried my hardest to escape the position I was in.

"You are my mate. Therefor you live with me, making my home your home." Chase said matter-o-factly, a definite smirk behind his words.

"Bu-" I was about to argue back before Chase interrupted me.

"Shush, you're starting to irk me." He patted my thigh that was hanging over his shoulder like I was some dog.

Pompous ass.


People are actually reading this!

Oh my god! Thank you so much!!

I'm gonna go eat now cause I'm hungry.

Bye xx

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