The Beggining/Meeting

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Normal Pov.
Sakura Haruno, a girl with Cherry blossom pink hair and Emerald colored eyes is currently playing in the garden. "Sakura! time to go home, honey" her mother Mebuki Haruno, said. "Yes mother! I'm coming" said Sakura.

Sakura's Pov.
My name is Sakura Haruno, Princess of Light but I'm sure you alrady know me so anyway back to the story- "Sakura! time to go home, honey" my Mother said "Yes mother! I'm coming" I replied. 'Seriously, Mom is so loud' Inner said 'Shut up, Inner!' I shouted in my head 'Okay, okay! geez, but its true she really is loud!' Inner shouted back 'I know that mom is loud, so no need for you to say it' I thought for a sec. until I realized that I already am infront of my mom, we chatted while walking until we reached the castle where my father, Kizashi Haruno, was waiting.

~Meanwhile at the Uchiha Castle~

Sasuke's Pov.
Hi, my name is Sasuke Uchiha, Prince of Darkness and I know that you already know me so back to the story- I was just walking around the castle with my father, Fugaku Uchiha. "So, son what are you thinking? your spacing out, you seemed deep in thought" father said 'I didn't realize I was spacing out' "It's nothing important father" I replied father just looked at me and said "Oh, okay" and with that we arrived at my room and father left to do some paperwork and my mother, Mikoto Uchiha, was cleaning up the kitchen with the maids helping her. So I got into my room and I went directly into bed and well, slept.

Sakura's Pov.
I woke up and did my daily routin, I took a bath and brushed my teeth after 4 minuets I got out of the bathroom and into my walk-in closet. I'm planning on wearing a simple white dress that reached my feet embroided with small gems and diamonds with a white long ribbon flowing onto my back and went for a walk outside the castle grounds. I was enjoying the scenery until I stumbled into a dark forest so, out curiousity I went inside.

Sasuke's Pov.
I just woke up and did my daily routin, I took a bath and brushed my teeth. after 4 minuets I walked out of my bathroom and into my walk-in closet. I'm planning on wearing a black long-slived polo with gold outline and matching pants I wore a black cape with yellowish golden outline and decided to go for a walk outside the castle grounds. I was enjoying the silence until I saw a girl with cherry blossom pink hair and emerald colored eyes wearing a simple white dress embroided with gems and diamonds with a flowing white ribbon on the back. I walked over to her and said "Who are you and what are you doing in this dark forest?" she turned around surprised and stared at me for some reason I feel weird my heart is beating so fast and I feel a slight heat rushed on my cheeks.

Sakura's Pov.
I was walking around the forest and and I heared a voice from behind me, it said "Who are you and what are doing in this forest?" I turned around surprised and saw a boy wearing a black long-slived polo with golden outline and matching pants and cape he has raven-black hair and onyx eyes I stared at him for awhile and notice his face has a slight blush I just ignored it and answered "I am Sakura Haruno, princess of light; and you are?" he looked at me for a sec. and replied "I am Sasuke Uchiha, prince of darkness" I looked at him and said "Y'know your kinda cute for a dark prince-oh! let me re-phrase that, your handsome for a dark prince" I said in an matter-of-fact tone, he stared at me and I notice his face turn even redder. I chuckled "You do know that your face is as red as a crimson tomato, right?" I said with a soft smile.

Sasuke's Pov.
I can't believe it she called me cute and hamdsome, I blushed even harder and she chukled like an angel "You do know that your face is as red as a crimsone tomato, right?" she said with a soft smile, I stared into her eyes and said "Hey, do you want to hang out and chat? I got a secret place where nobody knows exept me, up for it?" I said secretly hoping for a 'yes' "I'd love to, Sasuke. is it okay for me to call you by your first name?" she asked "Of coarse, Sakura. is it also okay for me to call you by your first name?" "Certainly Sasuke" she said and smiled. I got up and took her hand and draged her to my secret place and she looked amazed and grined at me "This place is amazing, Sasuke" she said with a sweet tone; I smiled and said "No prob, Sakura" and with that we chatted and chatted until sunset this is the first time I ever been so happy and showed my caring side.

Sakura's Pov.
Me and Sasuke chatted an chatted until sunset and its time for me to go befor it gets dark "Hey, Sasuke?" I ask "Hmm?" he humed in response "Its time for me to go back" I said and he had a slight pout on his face "But I don't want you to go......yet" he said I just smiled and said "Oh, ok just 2 more minuets" he just smiled and rested his head on my lap as he dozed off to sleep with a slight smile on his face; I just smiled and unconsciously combed his hair with my hands and smiled.

Sasuke's Pov.
"Oh,ok just 2 more minuets" I smiled and rested my head on her lap and began to fall asleep with a slight smile on my face, I felt her fingers combing my hair and I lost consciousness and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

~Timeskip two minuets later~
Sasuke's Pov.
I felt someone shook my shoulder gently as I began to open my eyes slowly just to see Sakura smiling at me "Sasuke its already the end of 2 minuets and I need to go already" she said and I started to feel lonely again and then I got an idea "What about we meet againe here and hang out again is it okay with you?" I asked her "I would love that, Sasuke" she said with a smile on her face we nodded and got up, but befor I could turn around she gave me a kiss on the cheek "Thank you for hanging out with me today, Sasuke" and with that she gave me a smile as she started to walk back out of the forest; while I was still processing what she did after I processed everything I started walking back to the castle with a grin and slight blush on my face.

Sakura's Pov.
When I arrived at the castle I went directly to my bedroom and ploped down on my bed and drifted off to sleep with smile on my face 'I can't wait to meet up with Sasuke again tomorrow' and with that thought I lost consciousness.

-Dear, Readers
I hope you like the story I made if its boring pls. bear with me its my first time writing a fanfic about something anyway hope you enjoy the next chapter.

- R.G.

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