Chapter 27: Unchanged Feelings

Start from the beginning

"Fucking happy now?"

He moved my hand away from his face before placing a kiss on it. "Uh huh, so what do you think? It tastes great, right?"

"It's okay. I just don't have a thing for sweet things. It's making me cringe."

"Well, the fact that you ate one is enough for me. Now, can you make me some?"

"Make you some what?"

"Roasted marshmallows, duh--" I glared at him and pointed the stick at his face. I'm the only one who's allowed to sass. He swallowed and let out a nervous chuckle. "Make me some roasted marshmallows, please?"

Rolling my eyes, I complied. I did what he did earlier except that I didn't blow it and just stuffed it in his mouth. He cried out in pain and I can't stop myself from chuckling. His face is so red, tears prickling on his eyes as he tries to blow away the heat. The others also laughed at the "entertaining" sight caused by Eren. He swallowed it before glaring at me. "You're an ass."

I casually shrugged and smirked at him. "I fucking thought that you knew that by now."

I stood up and went to the table to take a bottle of water. "Oi, Eren." He looked at me and I threw the bottle at him. He caught it and opened the cap before drinking. I went back to his side and sat down. "Are you okay?"

"You're really asking me that?"

"Just fucking answer the damn question or you'll be roasted yourself."

"Yes, I'm okay. I'd rather not be roasted though."

We all returned to our own business and I continued feeding him. A smile never left his face and the sight brought warmth to me like it always did.

Throughout the whole time I fed Eren, I can feel someone's stare burning holes through me. I looked around and saw everyone busy talking with each other and I thought that I'm only being a paranoid shit— until I saw who is staring at us. At me.


I raised an eyebrow at him and it seems to cut him out of his trance and quickly looked away. Why the hell is he staring?


I looked up at Eren and saw him giving me a worried look. Shit, I spaced out. "Are you okay?"

I gave him a small smile despite the questions running in my mind. "I'm okay. I'm just thinking."

He accepted my answer although reluctantly. I continued to feed him again while I tried to clear my mind from any thoughts concerning why Eyebrows is staring. I guess I need to talk with him later.

After all of us decided to call it a day, we cleaned up our messes. When the others are making their way to the house, I held Eren's arm. "Wait."

He looked at me with a confused look on his face. "Why?"

"You go ahead inside. I'll stay here for a little."

He looked reluctant but he complied, kissing me on my forehead. "I'll wait for you."

He walked away and I proceeded with my plan when he already entered the house. I walked a few meters before I saw him, sitting at the shore. I walked closer until I'm just a foot away from him.

"Oi, Erwin."

He flinched before he craned his head to look at whoever it is who called him, eyes widening for a fraction when he saw me. He immediately returned his normal composed expression. He stood up and faced me, making me scowl at the big difference between our heights.

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