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Jason's POV
(Four day time skip)

I'm in my 5th hour texting 2nd hour blondie sending her a quick text then sending the same one to four other girls. I smirk when I see I'm now booked with chick's all next week.

I couldn't get it up for the cheerleader last night and boy was she mad but it's not my fault all I've been thinking about was Tess. Tess hasn't been to school all week and neither has her brother which has got me going crazy.

I was hoping he wasn't hurting her but that was really wish full thinking. I sighed when I saw Jeremy come down the hall way he looked like shit.

The bell rang and I saw Jeremy jump as I watched him through the door window. I get up going to his side punching him in the shoulder just messing arounld but he shot me a glare.

"Don't touch me Jason just go do whoever is next on your fuck list" he growled I raised my hands up in defence. "Sorry damn" I sigh "sorry I'm in a bad mood" he groaned "I can tell" I chuckle.

On my way home I get a text from a girl I groan. She wants ms to come over tonight I just toss the phone on the passenger seat. It rings and I pick it up just to hear her voice. "Come over tonight I miss you I need your body" she whines annoyingly.

"Probably not" I groan pulling into my dive way "hold on" she says and seconds later I get a nude from her. "I'll do whatever you want" she whines "maybe now bye" I groan hanging up.

I look at Tess's house seeing Nathan on the couch making out with a girl known as my Wednesday night. I growl lowly going in my house up to my room.

I look over at Tessa's window seeing her curtain is open only slightly but enough for me to see through. She's laying on the ground in a red shirt and short shorts that are red.

I smile softly shes probably tired she just fell asleep on the floor. I know its all a lie though when she looks up at me she looks broken she gets up and shuts the curtains.

I strip naked getting into the shower washing up. I hear a car start and drive away but I ignore it and finish up in the shower. I dry off putting on my sweatpants I go downstairs sitting in my living room.

I look over seeing Nathans car gone I decide to go check on Tess. I walk over next door bare foot only in sweat pants I knock softly after waiting a couple minutes I knock again louder not getting a response I just open the door going in.

I shut the door behind me "Tess" I whisper loudly. "Why the hell was I whispering" I chuckle at myself going up to her room. I've only been up here to her room once but I've walked passed her room millions of times to get to Nathans room.

I open her door slowly "Tessa" I whisper seeing her on the floor where she was earlier. I go over to her but her eyes are closed or swollen shut this girl had more bruises and blood dripping from her than I've ever made any of my opponents in a fighting match have.

"Tessa did Nathan do this" I ask attempting to pick her up but she yelps and I notice her shirt and shorts weren't supposed to be red they were covered in blood. "No I did it to myself you dumbass" she chokes out softly.

I chuckle at her sarcasm sighing "Tess I'm going to pick you up okay" I tell her picking her up as she let's out a yelp. "I'm sorry" I panic only to have her laugh at me "what's funny" I ask bringing my eyebrows together.

"I've been getting the most brutal punishment for four days non stop and you think I still have feeling in my body....no dummy I'm numb I don't feel it my whole body is just tingles" she smiles that beautiful smile.

I pick her up in my arms holding her against my body I see her flinch knowing she still felt that. I carry her downstairs "where are we going" she whispers her voice extremely horse.

"My house then the hospital" I whisper she freaks out "Jason I can't go to the hospital" she tries to get out of my arms. "Okay okay I won't take you to the hospital but we need to clean you up" he sighs.

"I don't exactly know how to clean someone up that's in your condition" I look down rubbing my neck. "Its fine" she whispers "but Jeremy does right I mean you two are like best friends he probably helped you before" I say partially to myself as I walk out the house door to my car.

"Jason you have no shirt or shoes on" she smiles "I'll be back once your safely in the car" I smile opening the back seats door laying her down on her back. "I'll hurry" I smile closing the door I run inside my house looking for a shirt finding a white one grabbing some shoes.

I go out to my car driving to Jeremy's house in a hurry. I park my car in his drive way getting out I pick Tessa up carrying her to the door. "Yo Jeremy open the damn door" I shout but there's no answer "just go in he probably has his ear buds in" her shaky voice whispers.

I walk in seeing Jeremy on the kitchen floor with a vodka bottle almost empty. "Jeremy" she struggles against me falling onto the ground "Tessa wait" I panic "get that damn bottle" she yells.

I grab it and he glares up at me "give it back" he spats "no Jeremy she needs your help" Jason yells. "Jason stop fucking with me I've been seeing her off and on since she left she's not there" he spats.

"Jer I am here please help me I don't want to go to the hospital because you decided to drown yourself in a bottle of cheep vodka" Tessa growls and he smiles instantly standing.

"Tess baby your okay.... sort of" he smiles picking her up she wimpers softly pulling off her shirt flinching at the sight. "Damn what was this for.... why the fuck is there a heel mark in your side" he growls.

"Him and his girlfriend got back together and decided to punish me for kicking her ass he let her help and this is what happened" she groans softly. "Okay stop talking for a second Jason I'm going to need a lot of things a first aid kit isn't going to do it this time" he sighs as he starts writing a list.

"Who's his girlfriend" I ask and Jeremy rolls his eyes "the girl I beat up the one in the library on your lap" she sighs. "Just go get the things on the list" Jeremy growls. I look at the list "what's the 3 packages of bacon for or the 4 two liters of orange pop for" I ask.

"We like orange pop and bacon" he shrugs and I roll my eyes as I put on my shoes "thanks Jase" I hear Tessa's soft voice say "anytime" I smile as I go get the things on the list.

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