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Tessa's POV
^^^Jeremy up there^^^^

I wake up in my bed the blinds are open and I see Jeremy sitting on the couch watching TV in my room. "Jer..." I mumble as he turns around looking at me "your bath water is already ran and I put bubbles in it, your clothes and towl are in there" he mumbles.

I go in seeing my clothes and towel on the sink not bothering to look at the clothes he picked out. I strip seeing all the bruises, cuts, and blood all over I whine as I get in and my body stings.

"You alright in there" Jeremy asks "yeah fine" I mumble as I start to wash up instantly with my strawberry body wash cringing at the feelings of my stings. I start washing up quickly getting my hair wet washing it, smiling when I'm done washing my brown hair I stand up.

I get out and the water is dark red and I frown as I let the water drain. I dry off putting on my panties and bra which were neon pink and purple panties I giggle at his choice. I groan when I see he picked out PJ shorts and a muscle shirt I sigh getting dressed and get out.

"Jer have you seen my brush anywhere" I ask as I get out looking around my room he holds it up. "Rig....get your ass here now" he gasps when he sees me I slowly walk over to him.

"What the fuck happened to you" he growls and I shrink back "I got beat up" I rub the back of my neck. "Did Jason do all of this" he growls standing up and I shake my head no and he sits back down.

"Then who else did this" he growls "Jer if I tell you, you can't tell anyone not even him he can't know you know, no one is supposed to know" I whimper. "I have to stop this" he states "you can't tell anyone or do anything Jer promise me" I beg he sighs nodding.

"I...it's Nathan" I whisper "NATHAN" he yells and I jump "Jer quiet" I hush "Nathan hurts you" he gasps "e..every day whenever he gets a chance" I whisper he picks me up setting me on my bed.

"I want us to talk every day about this alright" he whispers I shake my head no. "I didn't brush my hair" I whine he hands me the brush as I brush my hair. "Can you shut my curtains there not supposed to be open" I mumble he sighs and goes to close them before stopping.

"You live next to Jason" he asks quietly I nod getting up I see Jason out of the corner of my eye before hiding behind the curtain. "Close them now please" I whine he chuckles closing them.

"So you like him then" he asks as I jump in bed "who" I ask playing dumb. He just gives me a look pointing back at the window "oh yeah Jason yeah a little" I shrug playing it off as casual.

"Are you nuts you like him he's abusive, hypocritical, manipulative, and dangerous Tess why him" Jer makes a disgusted look. "I know but I can't help it when I see him it's like my heart melts" I smile softly.

"He hurts you" he yells I roll my eyes "Jer..." I start but he was obviously pissed. "I'll see you tomorrow morning" he snaps as he leaves my room slamming the doors.

I get up watching him leave sadly I lean my hand and head against the window. I fall to the ground slowly as I rest my back against the window.

I sit there for hours because my door opens and Nathan comes in. "What are you doing close these damn curtains" Nathan snaps as he closes the curtains almost tearing them down. "Get up you lazy bitch you weren't at school after first hour" he slams his hand against the wall.

"I...I wasn't feeling good" I mumble standing up he growls when he sees my outfit. "What the hell are you wearing hu your trying to be a slut" he grabs my top pinching my skin as I hiss slightly.

He punch's my face sending me to the ground. "Stand at the damn wall and pull off your shirt" he growls. "P...please don't make me" I cry he glares grabbing me by my hair pulling me up as I scream out he punches me in the mouth.

"Shut up now" he snaps pushing me to the wall and towards a bucket "shirt off now and stand in the bucket" he growls. I pull off my shirt standing in the bucket as I hear him snap his belt and tears swell in my eyes. "Please don't do this Nathan" I cry hard "shut up" he smacks my back hard as I cry he smacks more and more harder with each blow. He smacks my legs and calves every once in a while.

He makes me stand there all night as he whips my body. My back went numb a long time ago when I look down I see I'm standing in a pool of blood.

His phone goes off and he stops answering it I can't hear what the other person is saying but I hear what he says. "I'm kind of busy right now....well maybe....babe come on you know that's not true....of course I love your body....alright how about I come over tomorrow and stay and play with your body all day tomorrow
...alright get some sleep....night baby" he sighs clicking the button.

"So Tessa...." He says leaning against the wall "Y..yes Nathan" I whispered. "How many am I at" he asks with a cheerful tone "t...twenty thousand" I whisper as tears fall "you sure" he chuckles "yes I'm positive" I say looking up at the wall. "Stay there I need some sleep don't fucking move" he spats "yes Nathan" I whisper. And I do I don't move once afraid of the consequences.

"Get ready for school you ugly bitch" Nathan comes in my room yawning when his alarm goes off in the next room. I silently go to the shower crying as the water goes on my now raw back that was the longest he's ever hit me. I dry off gently as I go look in the mirror I see bruises all over me and more tears escape.

I open the cabnit grabbing a blade I look at it in my hands "this will make things better" I keep chanting to myself I nod as I slide the blade across my wrist.

I do it a couple more times before going and getting dressed cleaning up. I put on a lot of make up over almost every inch of my body that was showing.

I go downstairs seeing Nathan and he smirks "ugly hoe" he laughs as I go out the door I walk to the bus stop. When the bus pulls up I go get on the bus and see Jer but I don't smile I just sit in a seat in the front leaning my head against the window closing my eyes.

I sleep until the bus comes to a stop I pull on my sweatshirt sleeve. I go to my locker as Nathan comes and slaps his hand on my back causing me to let out a loud yelp.

Everyone's eyes are on us as he hugs me from behind tightly "shut up" he growls I nod as he leaves the bell rings and I haven't seen Jer yet.

"Hey slut" Jason said and I sigh turning around "what Jason" I sigh he shoves me against the locker and I yelp crying instantly as pain shoots through me. "Enough with the act would you" he rolls his eyes "I...I'm not acting I'm already in pain" I mumble.

"Stand up" he orders, I do as told I get up and open my locker. "Tessa what happened to your back I didn't throw you that hard"

"What do you mean" I ask "your back is bleeding" he says more like a question. "I...I have to go" I slam my locker as I run thinking of Jer's first hour. Math. I go to his math class seeing him in front.

I calm my breathing as I open the door getting the attention of the whole class. "May I help you Tessa" the teacher asks "Jeremy is needed in the office and is supposed to bring his stuff" I say in all false confidence.

The teacher sighs as he nods "alright Jeremy you are excused" he sighs Jeremy gets up and grabs his stuff coming with me.

"So what's up why do I need to go to the office" he asks I sigh "okay you don't have to I need your help really bad okay" I look down.

"What is it Tess" he asks looking confused I take his hand leading him to the nurses office. "I'm hurt but I can't take care of it by myself can you help please" I beg pouting like a kid.

"Of course how bad can it be" he smiles rolling his eyes. I shrug softly "I'm not sure but it hurts" I mumble letting him walk in front of me to the girls bathroom locking the door.

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