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who the hell hit me was my first thought.

i wasn't going to go ballistic on the person, i was curious. curious.

"you think she's going to wake up?"

ah, it's nari.

"why, you think she's dead?"

yohan was here too?

"no, of course not!"

"then she'll be fine."

i felt my lips twitch," you guys hoped today was my last or what?" i said, my eyes still closed.

"haejin-ah!" i opened my eyes to see nari rushing over to me, her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

i chuckled lightly then winced," i'll be fine."

"you okay there, jin?" yohan sat on the other side. i nodded.

"yeah," i tried to touch my head but ended up wincing. "oh right, who threw it?"

"you mean kicked it?" yohan corrected. "try and guess."

"you make a person who got hit in the head guess?" i scoffed lightly. "you're kidding."

yohan groaned. "it's the person we were talking about."

it took me a while before my eyes widened. yohan took this as a sign.

"you got it?"

"you mean, kim jimin personally came to school and kicked a ball? just for me?"

yohan facepalmed."dumbass." i heard him mutter under his breath.

i laughed. of course i was sarcastic, why the heck would kim jimin come to school to do that?

"no, it's park jimin!" nari sighed.

"ah," i nodded, my mouth slightly agape. "yohan's teammate then."

"he said he wanted me to bring you to the field after school," he added. "don't forget."

"right," i nodded, barely paying attention to him as i nudged nari. "hey, can you grab that pack there?" i pointed towards the small pack of chips by the table.

nari gave me a look of disbelief, "really?"

"what, you think i play around with food?" i raised my eyebrow before pointing towards it again. "chips please."




"look what i got!"

haejin turned to look at sooji who held two movie tickets, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"nice," haejin callously replied.

sooji pouted before getting near her and held the tickets closer to her face. "don't you want it?"

haejin stopped sipping on her strawberry milk and turned to her, grabbed the tickets before giving her an impish grin.

"thanks, sooji-ah."

sooji fiddled with the hem of her shirt, the tip of her ears red. surprisingly enough, sooji had a thing for the girl.

"who are you gonna watch it with?"

"hm? oh, i'll go with someone." she shrugged.

sooji pouted again. "sunbae, that was for the two of us!"


sooji nodded poutily. "we're supposed to go together sunbae."

haejin licked her lips uneasily before speaking, "um, when is it showing again?"

"this upcoming friday," sooji looked at her in confusion. "i thought you liked this movie?"

"oh, right, um," flustered, haejin placed down her drink and took out her phone. she quickly used the same trick she always did when she was in a pinchㅡ playing her ringtone. "hold on, let me cheㅡ"

the sound resonated the room, making haejin stand up and look at her apologetically.

"sorry," she gestured towards her phone. "i got a call from nari. maybe next time!"

with that, haejin quickly exited the room, leaving a baffled sooji.

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