Chapter Twenty One

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Enjoin good and forbid evil. That is your purpose in life!


'Bela! Bela.' Talha grabs the woman by her shoulders as she falls limp against him. She's on his chest and all he can think of is claiming this woman entirely. 'Shoot. I'm only a man for the Love of God!' He mutters under his breath. He stares at her and creates a distance between them. He holds Bela with one hand and turns around waving the other. He manages to draw Saif's attention, his main body guard and second in command, Aaqib come marching forward.

'What should we do, Sir?' Talha glances at the woman in front of him. 'Should we take her?'

'No.' There's no way anyone's laying a finger on her. Not like I'm allowed to. Then again I'm saving her life.

'Do you want to keep her?'

'I have to keep her here. I don't want a case filed against me for kidnapping.' Talha lifts Bela who's slipping through his grip. The woman is petite and slim which makes it harder on him. His iron like grip could break her. God forbid.

'What happened?' Aaqib asks. Saif nudges him slightly, the fellow is fairly new to the whole system.

'If you don't mind us knowing Sir.' Saif adds in. Talha is too distracted to even care about his nosy body guard.

'She fell unconscious at what I showed her. We need to take her inside.' He says whilst looking at Saif.

'Yes Sir.' Saif then barges through the front door with no warning. Talha carries the woman like a bride, over the threshold and into the living room. Everyone gasps in shock and horror at the strangers. Especially at the one carrying the woman.

'Mía Dio!' (My God!) Maria shrieks. 'Who are you? What are you doing to my daughter?' Everyone is stunned and left speechless.

'I'm Talha, her boss. She collapsed outside.' Talha explains.

'What?! How?' Maria rushes toward him. 'Put her down!' She points at the sofa. No one else has the nerve to speak up. Not even Thabith who's still processing the entire situation. Talha complies and places her down slowly, he can smell her sweet perfume and he clenches his jaw tightly. He stares at her closed eyes and longs for them to open. He then rises to his full length and faces two troubled families.

'What are you doing here at this time young man?' Thabith questions with a strong voice.

'I came for something.' He answers vaguely while analyzing the members in the room. His eyes land on none other than Kareem, who looks furious. Good. Be mad.

'How did she faint?' Suzanne throws in while looking at her daughter in law to be.

'I showed her something.'

'What?' Maria intervenes.

'You should ask her.' He says quietly. Quite frankly the image shocked him too, he can't begin to imagine what it did to Bela.

'Sumayya, bring some water! Sara grab a towel.' Maria orders her twins. They were huddled in a corner whispering and now Talha acknowledges them.

'You have no right to touch her.' Kareem speaks up and steps forward in a rage.

'And you do?'

'No but I'm her fiancé which makes me more deserving if anything.' The word "fiancé" ticks Talha off. The jerk has a nerve.

'Too bad she fell on me though.' Talha has the slightest smirk. Kareem breathes hard and tightens his fist. Sumayya and Sara return with the items in hand and they tend to their sister.

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