Chapter Fifteen

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To Sahla ;)
Commitment. Results require commitment and devotion. If you want to see the fruits of your efforts, you need to strive toward it.

Breathe. Oh my Allah, I can't breathe. I need to breathe. Bela get your act together it really isn't that bad. No No! Oh no! Bela feels overwhelmed as she readjusts her scarf for the fiftieth time. Her family had driven to Kareem's house in excitement while she underwent a complete meltdown. As they arrived, Suzanne, Kareem's mother had served them tea and rich biscuits. His entire household portrayed originality and Bela was amazed by it. That is until she realized her purpose for visiting. To make things official.

'Oh boy.'

'What?' Bela whispers harshly. The twins are currently lounging in the guest room with their elder sister is trying to "get ready." Of course she's been doing this for the past half hour but she needs to look presentable.

'Bel no one can hear you.' Sara rolls her eyes.

'I know but still-'

'Look, you're just overreacting! I mean Kareem is practically in LOVE with you and-' Sara slaps a hand around her twin's mouth and glares at her.

'Are you insane?'

'You just said that they can't hear us.' Sumayya pushes her hand off.

'You they can hear.'

'Girls come on! This isn't why I called you here.' Bela pins her scarf and begins pacing the room in an attempt to calm her adrenaline driven heart.

'As I was saying.' Sumayya clears her throat like a professor and looks her sister in the eye. 'Kareem is totally in love with you and there's no way he's going to change his mind after he sees you.'

'Do you really believe that or are you just saying it to make me feel better?' The bubbly twin smacks her forehead in frustration.

'Bela of course I believe it, ask Sara!' All eyes are on the more sensible one. She straightens her position on the lilac colored bed set.

'I have to admit Bels, he does seem pretty into you. I mean he's a pilot for God's sake, he's literally surrounded by women everywhere he goes but then he's over the moon about you. That has to mean something.' Bela's heart is much tamer at the words she hears. That does make a lot of sense. Why didn't think of it before. Oh well, AlhamdhuliAllah. At least I know of it now.

'Yeah I mean the man sees half naked women everywhere but he wants you. All I can say is you're pretty fortunate.'

'Thanks a lot Sumi.' Bela gives her a flat look. A knock on the door startles the three of them. They glance at each other and Sara is the first to make her way toward the caller.

'Yes Aunty?'

'Oh Sara love, tell Bela that Kareem's home.' Bela is rooted to her spot as she hears the somewhat alarming news.

'Will do.'

'Please tell her to hurry. He's waiting.' With that she leaves and the three girls are plunged into silence.

'Okay well, that's your cue Bel.' Sara holds her sister by her slim shoulders and smiles softly. She can see the fear in her elder sister's eyes. Sumayya joins in with a side hug.

'You're going to kill it.' Sumayya pats her back in encouragement.

'In Sha Allah.' Bela manages.

'In Sha Allah.' They nod in unison and make their way towards the living room.


Bela clutches her stomach in an attempt to control herself. She's failing miserably. She shakes her head and covers her mouth in excitement. The girl is losing it and the man before her is grinning from ear to ear at the fact that he incited her reaction. Kareem leans in his seat with his dark eyes on her. He can't believe he's in front of this woman. On his flight back, all he could think about was, her. Even the caramel custard he was served couldn't distract him.

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