For Him (KageHina)

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"You smell nice."

The words came out of Kageyama's mouth completely by accident. He hadn't meant to say that and now he was panicking because who the fuck says that kind of thing to their best friend. He was so busy panicking that he didn't even hear Hinata's reply until the smaller boy shoved him slightly and he snapped back into reality.


"I said thanks."

"Oh. You're welcome."

The pair was currently sitting on Hinata's bed and Kageyama was doing as best as he could to concentrate on the homework he was supposed to be doing but he couldn't because Hinata was sitting so fucking close and Kageyama could see Hinata's eyelashes flutter ever so slightly as he blinked. He had stopped writing and his right hand was so close to Hinata's left hand that if either of them moved their hand much then it would be on top of the other's. Kageyama secretly hoped that Hinata would move his hand. He definitely wasn't opposed to holding the bright haired boy's hand but he was too anxious to make the first move.

Throughout the whole week he had built himself up and told himself that he would tell Hinata how he felt but here he was sitting on Hinata's bed on Friday afternoon barely able to form a coherent sentence. The words on the page had blurred together and his mind was so clouded to the point that he couldn't even remember what subject the homework they were doing was even for. Kageyama didn't understand how people could be so smooth and calm around the people that they liked because he felt like he was going to pass out and all they were doing was sitting on a lumpy mattress in silence.

As he thought more about it though, he guessed one reason he could be so uncomfortable was because it was quiet. Usually Hinata never shut up and now here they were in his house and he had barely said a word since they had arrived two hours ago. He started to wonder if it was because they were sitting so close but he also assumed that Hinata would move if he was uncomfortable. Kageyama guessed that Hinata may not want to move because he thought he would offend Kageyama so he decided that he would just move over himself.

Right as Kageyama was about to move his book, Hinata groaned loudly and fell down onto Kageyama's lap. Hinata moved slightly so he was laying on him back and in that moment, Kageyama was very glad that the book blocked Hinata's head from what was underneath. Kageyama stared down, his bright blue eyes locking with Hinata's brown ones. A smile spread across Hinata's face and Kageyama tried to resist the urge to smile back at him. Hinata always told him he had a scary smile so he always tried not to smile around him at risk of scaring him away.

"You have pretty eyes." Hinata said.

Kageyama blushed and he tried to look away.

"Hey, don't turn away." Hinata pouted. "I want to see them."

Kageyama felt his face heat up more, but he still turned back to Hinata. Hinata placed his hands on Kageyama's cheeks and held his face in place. Kageyama could feel his face burning against Hinata's, small and surprisingly soft, palms.

"Your eyes remind me of the ocean."

"The ocean is green, dumbass." Kageyama said. "My eyes are blue."

"I meant the ocean at night."


"At night the ocean gets really dark but because of the moon it also looks really bright. It's almost a crystal blue. It seems bright and almost welcoming but it's actually dark and mysterious and dangerous." Hinata said.

"Did you just call me dangerous?"

"No, well, I guess I did but—please don't hit me!"

"Relax, I'm not going to hit you." Kageyama said. "You're still gripping my face so you could easily punch me."

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