CH 1 Getting Called to the Office=Bad?

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Ask anyone who Aviana Lucy Presley is and they'll reply, "The girl with the silver Sharpie. The vandal from last year, remember the spray paint on the walls, the signature in the corner of her work? She's so fierce!" And the description they give makes me want to go practice my kick-boxing, stat. If you didn't know me, you'd think i was a punk artist or some belligerent Goth girl determined to act out. Yeesh, talk about a letdown of personality!

I, in case you haven't got it, I'm Aviana Lucy Presley, Aviana for short. And I am currently sketching a winged heart in the margin of my notebook. I swear, homeroom is the most boring class ever. None of my friends have the same homeroom as me, and my fellow classmates in here are straight up nerds. I have nothing against them, but who wants to hear about the fascinating subject of Calculus at eight in the morning? Certainly not me.

So anyway, I was sitting in homeroom listening discreetly to my IPod when our teacher- Mr. What'sHisFace, who cares about homeroom teachers anyway- whistled to get our attention. The nerds shut up, I felt relieved, and wondered what was going on. Homeroom is free time, to finish your first hour homework from yesterday and text your weekend plans to your girls. Not a real class. So what exactly was up?

"Hey, everyone, listen up." The teacher said, making me roll my eyes. Wasn't that why he whistled in the first place? "We have two new students here today. They should be coming in any time soon. I want, let's see..." He trailed off, searching the room. I knew he wanted a tour guide, and I also knew that the nerds would be happy to take that job. So I kept my head down and prayed Mr. What'sHisFace wouldn't call on me. i glanced up to find the teacher's eyes on me. Oh shit.

"Aviana, will you show our new students around?" He asked, not really asking but demanding. i sighed and answered,

"Sure. Whatever."

"It's the least you can do," Mr. What'sHisFace added, his smile not reaching his eyes. He obviously seemed to be implying my vandalism escapade, which happened last year. Can't people forgive and forget? Even if our cafeteria still hasn't been repainted, I've clearly given the place a fresh look with my artsy addition. I broke What'sHisFace's gaze and pulled out my Sharpie, doodling another spiral on my binder cover. Who were the newbes to show up so late? Registration doesn't take that long.

I listened for the door opening through the rest of homeroom, but the bell rang before the new kids showed up. Oh well, darn the luck. I had better things to do than show around the newbes anyway. 

I hurried out of homeroom and went to my first class, I think Chemistry. But our teacher there, Ms. Carrie, has no intention of teaching so I spend that class talking to Brittany.

Brittany is one of my older friends. We're close, we both play in a band, and we love sports outside of school. She believes in getting to class early, so I never bothered walking to class with her. She’d already be in the classroom, because she knew I didn’t care if I showed up late to class so therefore waiting for me was like getting a tardy. Sure enough, as soon as I stepped into the classroom, Brittany half-shouted from her seat,

"Hey, have you heard about the newbes?" Brittany is naturally loud, and so I half-shouted back, just to tease her,

"Yeah, Britt. Quit yelling, I can, like, feel my ears going numb." I sat down beside her and added, "Apparently I was supposed to show them around. But they didn't show in homeroom so screw them."

"You were supposed them around? How grade school IS your teacher?" Brittany replied, twisting a strand of dark blonde hair. Her hair had been carefully curled today, but if she kept twisting it like that, Brittany was going to end up with limp hair. I made a mental note not to go anywhere with Brittany that had mirrors when that happened. Pulling myself into the present, I shrugged.

"Oh well. Their loss, I guess."

"Uh, duh! So anyway, are you going to Keegan's party on Friday?" She asked, totally nonchalant but dying to know the answer. I laughed, answering,

"Of course I am! We're totally friends; I've got him wrapped around my finger!"

I am popular. People know my name, call me out in the halls, and invite me to parties. Before the vandalism last year, I was your average girl with a couple of close friends and a set group that hung out. Over the summer and now, I had shot up the ranks of the high school ladder. Suddenly I had a lot more "friends" and more guys willing to take a chance on me. Brittany loved my popularity and milked it for all she was worth. Totally using me, and totally failing. She expected me now to invite her to Keegan's party when she's never even met Keegan- just ogled him from afar.

"Aviana Presley, please report to the office. Aviana Presley, please report to the office."

I grabbed my stuff and stood up. A couple of guys whistled and made stupid comments like,

"What've you done NOW, Presley?" or

"Bad girl on the move!" 

I grinned for them all and winked, then let the door shurt behind me as the first hour late bell rang. People in the halls reacted the same way, holding out thier hands for high fives-the guys- or giving me a 'what's she done THIS time, God' look and sniffing-the girls. I just grinned and walked like I owned the place, all the while having no idea why I was going to the office. Or even what I could've done. After the vandalism escapade, I was committing to flying under the radar. 

Opening, the office door, I asked the secretary,

"What do you want?"

"Could you take care of Miss Kat and Mr Jackson, starting with showing them to first hour?"

I turned to see two of the most unexpected people in my short-lived life. 

SO this is my First Wattpad story!!! I've already written a book, but I decided to see if I could make it here on Wattpad soooooo Comment! Vote! Prove you are not a figment of my imagination! support the hungry writer (no really, I'm having cravings for chocolate)! Also, read my story! Hopefully you read this far, yeah?


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