“Hey Joe, Nick.” They both sat in the front seat comfortably. Nick made a small wave and Joe smiled. Joe pulled out of the drive way and made his way to school. It was a short and silent ride, since I’m not one to talk this early in the morning and I assume neither are Joe and Nick. Once we reach the school parking lot, I open the door, umbrella ready, slamming the door shut as I get outside. I help Nick and Joe get out without getting we and we huddle under my umbrella as we shuffle over to the school, laughing.

“NICK!” we all turn around once we reach inside the semi-crowded hallway. Michelle is running over and embraces Nick. I awkwardly stand there with Joe while Michelle giggles madly. I notice that she isn’t wearing her usual preppy clothing, but instead more of a hipster/ casual clothing. I decided to leave it off until later, where we can talk in English.

“Hey Dem!” squeaked Michelle as she catches me off guard and hugs me, causing me to stumble backwards. She continually giggles and walks behind Joe and I with Nick as we walk to our lockers.

During all of English I couldn’t talk to Michelle at all. She would stare at the board dreamily and tune me out. By the end of class, I had given up and left her alone. When we got out, she skipped off without me and disappeared into the crowd. I sighed and too out my apple and sat in one of the benches in the hall way, watching people walk by.

“Hey stranger.” I turn around and see Joe sitting next to me with a smile.

“Hey Joe.” I said, my mouth full.

“So… Um Demi.” He said quite nervously.

“Yes Joe?”

“W-Would you like to go out on a date to like, the pizzeria or something, after school… or whatever?” he said nervously.

Inside I was freaking out. Multiple scenarios ran through my head as I swallow hardly my apple chunks. What should I say?? What should I do?? Oh My God, I’m gaping at him.

“Yea, sounds like fun.” I said in the calmest manner I could at the moment. Joe smiled widely and kissed me on the cheek.

“Great! I’ll see you after school then!” The bell rings and we both get up.

“Oh, um, I’m going that way.” I said nervously.

“Oh, ok, see yea.” Laughs Joe nervously. We walk in opposite directions, a smile plastered on my face.

I liked Joe for some time now. I guess since when we sat on the bench together that night. He’s just so sweet to me, it’s crazy. Did you know when you try to convince yourself that you don’t like someone, it just makes you like them even more? I spent a whole day, trying to convince myself that he’s just being a good friend. The next day, trying to convince myself that I didn’t see him more than a friend. By the third day, I’d given up and stare out my window as the clouds rolled in as the start of this two day downpour. Something in the pit of my stomach told me it wasn’t a god idea, but I don’t see any reason why to worry so much.

By the time school ended, the rain lightened up to a tiny drizzle. As I walked by, I saw Nick and Michelle taking, with serious expressions. I shrugged it off as I walked over to Joe and his car, Joe wearing a warm smile.

“Ready to go?” he asked. I nodded and sat in the passenger seat. The pizzeria wasn’t too far off. Literally, everything is so close in this town, unlike anyone I’ve been too. When we get there, there is some kids from school already. Joe opens the door for me, gentlemen like and we head inside. The scent of garlic bread and tomato sauce filled my nose as we walked over to an empty booth.

“Is it your first time coming here?” asks Joe.

“Yea, looks great though.” I said with a smile. We sit down across from each other and a waitress shows up next to us.

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