"Then I will tear him to shreds," Ty growled darkly. "He's never touching Adam again-- he's not gonna ever lay a hand on him again. Never-"

"Hmnn..." The giants immediately hushed, Ty stopping in place and gazing down at the small life in his hands. Adam was stirring, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Ty?" He yawned. Ty swallowed and managed a smile.

"Hey you," he breathed, purring softly. Adam kept his eyes closed, wriggling a little for comfort.

"Where are you... Where are taking me?" He mumbled drowsily. Ty did something at that moment, that was unlike him.

The giant smiled and lowered his head, gently running his lower lip against Adam's head in a kiss-like gesture; a paternal act.

"I'm taking you home."

The three giants quietly entered Ty's house, all in a moment of silence. They all knew Adam needed sleep, and deserved so much more than whatever had happened to him. Ty had both hands cupped over his chest, keeping Adam's small warm body hidden and safe from the outside world as he quietly dozed, deeply.

They slowly looked at each other before a silent agreement came between them all, and Ian quietly headed to the loveseat, laying down and grabbing the blanket originally draped over the back of the couch. Jason did the same with the couch, both males getting ready for bed. Ty headed for his bedroom, careful to not shuffle his footsteps to jerk Adam into consciousness. From what he had heard him tell Harvey, Martin had given no care to Adam's feelings. Ty wasn't ready to do the same.

He tugged the covers back and slowly slipped into bed, taking a deep breath before pulling his hand away, leaving Adam curled up on his sternum. Adam frowned and shifted a little from his sudden lack of a sense of security as Ty pulled the covers up, grabbing his blanket to rest it over his thorax for Adam. Adam relaxed in his sleep and yawned a little, his hand curling around Ty's finger. Ty froze, watching with intrigue as the tiny human shifted to hug his finger with his entire body, curling up around it and sighing peacefully.

He smiled softly in ardor and rested his head back, leaving the lamp on. Now that he understood-- mostly-- why Adam hated the rain, hated the thunder... Hated the dark... It was all because of Martin.

A growl sounded quietly in the back of Ty's throat, and his eyes narrowed up at the ceiling. How could Martin do this to someone innocent!? And to Adam, of all people?

A soft whimper caught Ty's attention, and he looked down at Adam, eyes immediately softening. 'Another bad dream...' He slowly sat up and held Adam to his chest, who was frowning in his sleep and whimpering in fear, fidgeting in the gentle giant's hands.

"Adam..." Ty murmured, gently brushing his fingertip over his soft hair. Adam jerked in his sleep, crying out and struggling. "Adam- Adam shh! It's ok..." Ty started rubbing the human's back, and the signs of a nightmare went away as quickly as a shooting star. Ty purred softly, continuing to soothe Adam in his sleep, and the human slowly relaxed, trembling only slightly. Ty let out a slow sigh, then realized that Adam was waking up, just before those golden brown eyes fluttered open.

"Adam?" Ty murmured, slouching over the fragile human. Adam shivered, gripping Ty's shirt tightly and not answering. Understanding, Ty resumed rubbing his back. "Was it... Was it about Martin?" Adam cringed under the name, nodding timidly. Ty's eyes softened once more in sympathy, and he coddled the tiny human. "You wanna... I don't know... Maybe talk about it?" He quietly offered. Adam shuddered and pressed against Ty, taking a deep breath.

"I-I don't know..." He admitted, hesitant. "I-it's just... Hard."

"It'll be easier if someone else knows," Ty promised, nuzzling Adam's soft, fluffy and curly hair, the wild tufts tickling the tip of his nose. "Someone who can comfort you..." Adam fell silent, then slowly nodded.

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