Chapter Two: Unexpected

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Chapter Two Of The Volturi Queen: Unexpected 

Edward drove us to school in silence. I could tell by the look on his face he was deep in thought about something, and for some reason, it made me uncomfortable. He doesn't know, does he? He couldn't know. I haven't told him and I've hidden the evidence in my makeup bag inside my school bag. I've even made sure they can't smell the pee...don't ask how I did that, I just did. The only way he could know was if Alice had a vision and he saw it. If that's the case, why didn't he ask me about it when I came out of the bathroom? Is he waiting until school is over? Is he mad? Scared? Nervous? So many thoughts came to my mind at once causing me to have a headache. I groaned and touched my forehead. 

Edward noticed. "You okay?"

"Yeah" I nodded. "Just a headache"

"I'm not sure you should be here today Bella" He frowned. 

"I'm fine really" I smiled a not so convincing smile. "What were you deep in thought for anyway?"


I didn't believe him and he knew that. Rolling my eyes, I looked out of the window and watched as all the trees went by. Without knowing, I placed a hand on my stomach and I swore I could already feel a slight bump that wasn't there this morning. 'It's really happening. I'm having a baby with Edward' Edward glanced at me and raised his eyebrow but said nothing. He probably thought I had a stomach ache or something. How wrong was he, I couldn't wait to tell him the truth. 

Edward pulled into the school parking lot and I noticed that the others weren't there. Weird, they were normally here before us. I opened the car door before Edward could, grabbed my bag and stepped out. Once again everyone was staring at us. I closed the door and placed my hands on the roof. "Where is everyone?"

"Esme and Carlisle are celebrating their anniversary somewhere. Alice is with Jasper who is still beating himself up and Rosalie and Emmett are well...being Rosalie and Emmett"

I nodded and the bell rang. "Tell Jasper to stop beating himself up okay? It wasn't his fault and I don't blame him one bit"

He nodded and walked around the car until he was face to face with me. He slowly leant down and pressed his lips to me and kissed me with so much passion, it was like it was the last time he would be kissing me. I shook that thought of that away straight away. Edward promised me he wouldn't leave me. 

"See you in Biology" I mumbled against his lips. 

"See you in Biology"

****************After School. Time skip brought to you by Emmett*****************

The day passed in a blur and soon enough it was time to go home. Excitement bubbled inside of me as I knew that today, mine and Edward's life would change. I quickly ran out of gym class without falling and made my way to the parking lot. Once I got there, I saw my truck and Edward was stood beside it with an emotionless expression on his face. 

"When did this get here?" I asked. "I rode with you this morning."

He looked around and his gaze landed on the forest. "Take a walk with me?"

I nodded and followed him into the forest. We walked and walked for what seemed like forever, I was about to give up when he suddenly stopped and faced me. The expression on his face had me gulping and shaking. What was wrong with him?

"Bella we're leaving"

"I have something to tell you too- wait what?" His words took me by surprise. Leaving? Now? So soon? 

"We're leaving" He repeated giving me a cold stare. 

"Okay, I have to think of something to say to Charlie-" I caught his gaze. "When you say 'we'?"

"I mean my family and myself" He explains and I swear the ground beneath my feet crumbled away. 

"Oh My's because of me, isn't it? Is it something I've done? Cos I can change!" Tears well in my eyes. He can't leave, I'm pregnant!

"Bella, how long can we stay here? People a noticing we don't age...Carlisle can barely pass as 30!" 

Tears are now falling down my face. "If this is about my soul then take it" He didn't say anything. "I'm coming!"

"Bella I don't want you to come" His voice was cold. "You're not good for me Bella"

I didn't say anything for a few moments. "Fine if you feel like this then I'm not going to stop you. But you don't deserve to know what I was going to tell you"

And with that, I turned and walked away. My heart feeling broken and empty as I left a bit of me behind. 

Tell me what you think :) 

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