The End

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Chapter one


I ran pushing my body to leap from roof top to roof top as I was being chased in the dark of the night. The three Templars were quick and right behind me. I threw some black throwing knives back behind me and killed one of the men hitting him in between the eyes and slowed another down hitting them in the thigh. I jumped again to the next roof and stumbled. My heart stopped for a moment with realization. That was my mistake, what made the advantage I had drop drastically instantly.

I tried and regained my balance but not quick enough. A strong sweaty hand grabbed my hood and yanked me back off my feet. I was flung against a brick wall and the air left my burning lungs. I collapsed to the ground gasping for air. The second Templar came up beside the other and blocked me against the wall. I spit blood out and got it on one of the Templars shoes.

"Stupid whore." The first Templar said and kicked me hard in the stomach and I hit the wall again. I coughed trying to regain my lost breath and they laughed evilly. He would pay for that. I secretly slipped one of my knives out. When the man wasn't looking at me and was laughing with his companion I threw the blade and hit him in the throat. He grasped his bleeding neck and gasped for air. He coughed and a small burst of blood splattered out of his mouth. The other Templar helped his companion to the ground while I jumped up and ran for chance to escape. Hopping for an escape was silly even though I knew I would most likely not make it out of this encounter alive.

However my weak attempted didn't work out for me. The man grabbed my shoulder and knocked me off my feet. He grabbed my wrists and my throat. My hidden blades made useless and my breathing blocked off mostly, I looked into his hate filled and sadistic eyes. Insanity danced around with his twisted grin. I was a little scared as he lifted me up and carried me to the edge of the roof. I kicked trying to escape the mans grip while the roof was under my feet but stopped when my feet had no surface under them but only air.

I looks at the mans face then down at the ground thousands of feet below me. "You stupid assassin," the man growled at me,"you won't be getting away this time." He chuckled darkly, a chilling sound that sent a shiver down my spine.

I spit in the mans face. He glowered at me and slammed his head against mine. I groaned as a trickle of blood rolled down my face from my temple and he tightened his grip on my throat. "Shouldn't of done that pretty little thing. If only you weren't the scum that's called an assassin I would have my way with you and have some fun. You are quiet the pretty little thing and nice and young. Too bad. You would of been fun to play with. My bosses won't mind if I have to kill an assassin as long as I say I had to. Even though we could use the information you could give us we could survive with out it..." He smirked. "To bad for you. Good bye little girl." He laughed evilly and let go.

Air whooshed past me as I fell towards the ground. This was my end. I lived a short life for an assassin, as a person in general. I had only just became a full time assassin. I had only been an assassin for a few months. I was only 15 years old, about to be 16. This would be the end of my time here. Flashes of my parents and family and friends faces ran through my head. My happy memories that I cherished the most played in my head. Birthdays with my family and friends, training with my friends, pulling the pranks on the new trainees, all of them. I was happy, not afraid of death. I crossed my arms over my stomach and closed my eyes with my hood coming back up into place. A small smile dancing on my lips. I whispered the Assassin's Creed to my self as I fell.

"Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent," I whispered softly and calmly to my self. The main rule, no law, of my life, "Hide in plain site", I spoke feeling as if I was being watched and listened too even though I was alone, "And never compromise the brotherhood." And with that my fall had ended and I was surrounded in blackness falling deeper into it as if I was being dragged in by small black hands...


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