SCManex - Forgotten Promises Pt. 5

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Steven POV.

Right now, I was walking home from school. Only this time I wasn't alone. Thank goodness Eddie had to stay after to finish something, because I wasn't sure if I was ready to show him who I really was. Mostly after talking to him last night and how we got along so easily.

Kevin seemed to notice how nervous I was still, either that or he didn't feel like talking much. He seemed to glance my way every once in a while but that was it.

I shouldn't be nervous at all, we're just walking home together. That's it. Everything still felt so strange though, this was the guy who I was suppose to meet tonight. Kevin seemed like kind of a cool guy, but really intimidating. He was attractive for one, and he had a lot of friends. Just the way he held himself seemed like he was comfortable with just being how he is. 

Why couldn't I be like that?

"Hey, Steven?"

His deep voice took me out of my thoughts and I glanced at him. "Y-yeah?"

"You don't have to join us tonight. If it makes you uncomfortable." He spoke with ease, clearly he did notice my discomfort.

"Oh uh. No it's okay. I can put on an act pretty easily.. Can we just.. Not tell Eddie yet?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"We don't have to tell him anything. I just mentioned because it looks like this whole thing is still bothering you."

I gripped my backpack straps tightly. "It's not.. I'm just.. Not really use to talking to people really."

"Do you seriously not have any other friends?" Kevin asked, an eyebrow raised. "No youtuber friends either?"

"N-no. I started youtube because it gave me something to do. I didn't really expect to have actual fans." I had stopped walking now, since we were in front of my house.

Kevin seemed to be looking at it closely. "Can't believe this whole time you've been right over here.." He laughed slightly. "It does feel pretty weird. Anyways, I'll see you tonight then?"

"Mhm." I agreed.

We waved to each other and went our seprate ways, I hoped up the stairs and plopped my bag down near my bed before laying down. I would have to mentally prepare myself for tonight..


Kevin POV.

Normally these things didn't bother me at all, but I felt kind of weird today. Like I was going to be lying to my best friend.

I was going to respect Steven's choice of course, although I really wondered if he could keep up that act he said he kept. I shrugged it off, I really shouldn't be worrying about other people so much. I noticed I had been doing that a lot more recently and it was seriously not healthy. Just had to focus on myself..

I glanced to the time before taking a seat at my desk, I was spacing out to much so I didn't realize I was a few minutes late. Eddie was use to it I am sure, but I wonder if they started a call already?

My question was answered when I opened skype and was invited into a call instantly. I felt myself smile a bit as I pulled my headset on and clicked to join the call.

"Kevvvviiiiinnnnnnnn!" Eddie greeted. "You're late!"

"Eh, sorry, was spacing out or something. You're use to it." I snickered in response. My eyes were on the other skype picture that was in the call however.

"True. This is Steven! He's got everything working on the server, even with mods that aren't even suppose to be compatible! He's actually great."

The voice that had been quiet up until now laughed. "Oh it's not that difficult honestly. Nice to finally meet you Kevin!" He said with a cheery voice, clearly not the voice I remembered. If I hadn't known it was him he would of had be fooled too.

"Oh. Yeah, nice to meet you."


The recording went quite smoothly, they had about ten or so episodes to be posted, and were now just relaxing and enjoying some laughs over random things.

"So, Steven, where do you live by the way? I was thinking about doing a fan meet in the summer time. Would be curious if you wanted to join?" Sly asked.

I expected Steven to keep quiet, or not know what to say, but he responded quite confidently.

"I live pretty far west," He started. "And I don't have my licence yet, maybe sometime in the future. That does sound like a really cool idea though!"

"Aww. Alright. Well for real dude thanks a ton for joining us, I had a blast, and we can play with mods all thanks to you!"

"It's not a problem. Glad I joined you guys!" Steven said cheerfully.

 "Glad you did too!" Sly snickered. "Hate to bail on you guys suddenly but I gotta finish up some homework. Was there anything in history we had to do Kevin?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah I told you remember? It's just reading, pages fourty through fourty five I think. It's just a chapter nothing bad."

"Dammnn ittt." He groaned. "Well anyways going to head off to do that now, see you tomorrow Kevin. And thanks again for the help Steven~!" Both Steven and I said goodbye, and his end of the call hung up. Then there was an awkward silence.


"So what?" Steven responded, still in his acting voice.

"You can relax now dude, he isn't here. How you feeling about all this?" I asked.

Steven took a moment to think about his wording, before saying in a calmer voice. "I'm happy." He chuckled slightly. "You both are really awesome, and I had fun."

I smiled. "That's good then. To be honest, never expected you to sound that cheery."

"Hehe." Steven stopped typing for a moment. "Force of habit I guess. So I just finished this.. What do you think?" He sent me a file in skype, so I accepted it and opened it. It was a thumbnail he had made for the Daily series.

"Damn.. How did you even do that? It's amazing."

"It's not that great.." He laughed. "Just something I wanted to try out, I added a filter in photoshop, seems to look pretty nice right?"

"Yeah.. I don't even put much effort into thumbnails.." I peeked at my second monitor, looking at the random photos I had put together and called a thumbnail.

"Aw they aren't that bad. I can help you out sometime if you need it, but I think its best to make your own."

"Yeah I will stick to my way I guess." I leaned back in my chair and stretched. "Long day its been..."

"Agreed." Steven said, sounding like he also relaxed himself a bit. "Think I might finish some editing and then head to bed.."

"Sounds like a plan." I yawned. "See you tomorrow then?"

"Mhm. Goodnight."


I hung up the call, and lowered my headphones to my neck. Strangely enough I felt quite satisfied. Normally I would just get through the weekdays with a complete poker face, do some recordings then head off to bed. It didn't really feel like I was living.

But today was different, after meeting Steven I felt this slight.. Happiness maybe? I couldn't really tell what the feeling was. But I really wanted to talk to him more.

I glanced outside my window at the building across from me. He was so close, why was I suddenly being shy?

I sighed. "You're thinking too much.." I mumbled to myself and went to power off my computer.

I'd clear my head over the next few days.

 (A/N: AHHHHHHHHH. Apologies guys. I've been focusing on finishing up school, I got a boyfriend, and have been playing a shit ton of Minecraft and League of Legends and others games as well. I had this chapter about half finished, so I just quickly finished it so I could put it out. I decided to check my old email and I had a ton of messages of comments from you guys and it made me smile. ;w; I'm glad you still follow this even after I stopped for a bit. Thank you! Hope you all enjoy this chapter c:)

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⏰ Última actualización: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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