SCManex - Forgotten Promises

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Steven POV.

It wasn't always like this, in fact, I use to be quite social. Although that shift between middle school and high school was a rough one. Not even half way through my first year, I had already lost a lot of friends to other groups, or some girl.

Last year, I went through all of my classes without any friends, all of my lunch periods were different to the few that I had, and we all soon stopped talking. Before I knew it I was alone.

You know that kid that you always saw sitting at a table alone? Yeah. That's what I turned into.

My alarm went off, and I pawed my desk to turn off the obnoxious noise. After acomplishing that I went to rub my eyes. Sleep never seemed to last long enough, though I suppose that was just the result of being a teenager. I groaned slightly as I got up to go find some clothes.

Everything was fairly quiet in the morning, except for that annoyingly loud alarm of course. My mom worked from early morning to late at night so I really only saw her around dinner time. Not that I really wanted to talk about my problems with her anyways, she didn't need to carry my stress.

So I put on a much too practiced smile when talking to her, telling her everything was going okay, my grades were fine and that I still had friends.

Of course none of that was true.

I sighed quietly as I finally found a decent looking pair of jeans, shirt and hoodie. It was enough, I'd remind myself that I had to do laundry later. After a quick glance at the time, I decided I did have enough time to eat this morning. So after changing I hopped down the stairs and popped some toast in the toaster.


"Ah, hey girl." I smiled as my cat hopped on the counter to say hello. She was coloured a mix of brown and white, and she was a total sweetheart. I probably talked to her to much. As if she could actually understand me.

I got my toast out and spread some butter on top, quickly muching down on it as I kept an eye on the time. It took about 20 minutes for me to walk to school so I normally got there quite early. Surprisingly I never had a late day, maybe it was because there really wasn't an excuse to be late.

After finishing up I gave my cat a quick pat before grabbing my backpack and heading out and on the path to school.

One more year Steven. You can do it. You don't need friends, you've been fine on your own.


(Hey! Authors note or something. So. Its been soooo long since I have wrote something. And I kinda felt like it suddenly. I watched Episode 300 of MC daily and was getting so many SCManex feels so yeah! I think I am going to swap POV's every new chapter, but idk yet. So. Enjoy I guess :P)

SCManex - Forgotten PromisesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang