SCManex - Forgotten Promises Pt. 4

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Kevin POV.

Eddie messaged me yesterday saying he got in contact with that SCMowns guy, he said everything was pretty much set up and he was inviting the guy to the recording session.

Obviously he asked if I was okay with it, though I don't know why it would be up to me. I just hoped that he was as chill as Eddie said he was.

Right now I was walking into my Science class. Once again, without any friends. However I did notice that kid again. Steven. How have I had so many classes with him and never noticed? Either way, he looked happier today. I actually took a seat next to him.

"Morning Steven." I greeted.

He looked up from his bag, staring at me with curiousity. "..Morning." He said quietly. Why was it so hard for him to believe I was serious? He seemed like a pretty okay guy and I had a few classes with him.

Steven seemed to glance up to the front of the class, as if begging for the teacher to start the class so he could avoid talking further, but there were still a few minutes left.

"Hey do you play games?" I asked, noticing the small pin on his bag of a creeper.

"..A bit."

"What about youtubers? Watch any?" I had no idea why I was creating conversation, it was clear he just wanted me to shut up.

Steven POV.

Youtubers. Maybe I could gain myself a new subscriber from this? No. What if he reconized it was me? I couldn't tell him. He waited for an answer and I just spoke with the first one that came to mind. "Goldenblackhawk."

Kevin seemed a bit taken back. "Oh. R-really?"

I looked to my desk, nerves prickling inside me. "Y-yeah."

Kevin just laughed. "I'm surprised. You don't reconize my voice then? That's actually my account. Small world huh?"

I gulped slightly. No. Not even joking, it was true? Kevin really was that guy I was going to be meeting tonight? I had to cancel or something. I should of watched his videos last night, maybe I would of reconized him then and avoided saying something stupid. Damn it Steven!

I think he noticed my sudden discomfort, he looked like he wanted to say something but the teacher called the attention of the class. I let out a sigh of relief and tried to focus on now. Class.


Lunch time. Made it at least. I was starving, normally I wasn't hungry at all but if nerves could eat your stomach they sure did to mine. I took a seat at an empty lunch table, and took out the sandwhich I made this morning. Most of the time I would just get lunch here, but it was the day they served some kind of nasty soup stuff.

I managed to avoid any other questions after Science class, Kevin happened to be sharpening a pencil when the bell rang so I was able to get away pretty fast. Although the silence didn't last long, because Kevin happened to have the same lunch period as me.

He sat down in front of me as I was in the middle of eating, and I awkwardly stared at him. He seemed to sit down as if it was a normal thing.

"Damn it dude you just vanish so easily. Theres no need to be awkward around me, I'm just a normal guy behind the videos."

I wanted to scoff at that. He thought I was some sort of fanboy.  I continued eating my lunch as if he wasn't there. All this was just starting to make sense, if Kevin really was that youtuber that meant that Slyfox guy was Eddie.

"Do you know Slyfox?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. He's uh.. Well you've met him haha. He's not always a dick I promise." Kevin smiled.

I shook my head in disbelief. What had I gotten myself into? I just wanted my normal, quiet life back. And later I would be recording with these idiots that hadn't reconized me yet.

Wait. Maybe I was taking this the wrong way. They just wanted to be friends, and youtuber friends at that. I swallowed the rest of what I was chewing then looked to Kevin.

Kevin POV.

I was mixing whatever shitty soup was served today with a spoon, whatever was in that crap tasted terrible. I looked up to see Steven looking at me.

"SCMowns2. Look it up."

"Oh. I'm aware of that guy, Eddie's getting it set up so he records with us. Why are you a fan of him too?"

Steven facepalmed. He pulled out his phone, searched one of his videos and played it, handing it to me to watch.

It took a minute, but I finally figured it out. "Oh my god no way you're actually him? Really is a small world isn't it.. " I smiled. "This is cool actually! Now we all live close to each other so we can do fan meetups and stuff."

"Actually. I live across the street from you.." Steven rubbed his head. "I-I don't really know what to say."

I chuckled. "Strange really how this all worked out. I would of never guessed, you seem so lively in the video but outside you're sort of.. quiet."

Steven shrugged slightly. "It's more fun to pretend to be someone your not."

"Steven, the person your pretending to be IS you."

He blinked, thinking it over.

"..You're right."

(I almost forgot about this whooooops. I don't know how I feel about how much more I can continue this or not but eh, was a good run I guess. I need to get back into writing. :3 Enjoy!)

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