Awkard Hand Holding

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We pulled into the parking lot of a museum and we all got out. My mom told was to hold hands with somebody because the parking lot here is dangerous. Well that was the first time she told us to hold hands since we were like eight. Eliza and Evelyn held hands so I held hands with Jack. I started to get that tingly feeling in my tummy again, but somebody said that me and Jack were a cute couple and my face went bright red from embarrassment and from blushing. You could tell that I was embarrassed because I have pale skin (another trait to my weirdness) and when I start blushing or get embarrassed, you can definitely notice it. But Jack just laughed and we walked inside. We stopped holding hands when we were inside which was a relieve. My parents said that we didn't have to stay close to them and we could go wherever we wanted to go. So Jack took my arm and pulled me along with him to go look at the jellyfish facts. I noticed that we were the only ones there and nobody could really see us because you had to go behind a curtain to see the facts. I looked over at Jack and saw that he was reading a fact, not paying attention to anything. Something told me to kiss him. To hug him. To do something! I was about to tell him that I liked him when Eliza came in and told us to go and check out the ice cream machine that they found. I was sorta happy and sorta sad that I didn't tell him.

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