I Ask Eliza For Help

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I decided to ask Eliza for help about this situation with Jack. She was chock full of romantic advice and she has already had three boyfriends. So one night I went into Eliza's room and walked back out because she had no shirt on, and after a couple of moments walked back in to find her sitting on her bed texting her best friend. She looked up from her phone and asked what I wanted. I told her that I think I liked Jack. She told me to tell Jack that I loved him and I told her that I didn't love Jack like that, I liked him. She got frustrated with me and told me leave her room so I did. Wow what a big help she was. I lay in bed thinking about what I should do tomorrow. Tomorrow my family was going on a road trip and me and Eliza got to bring a guest. Of course I asked Jack and he said he would LOVE to go on a road trip with my family and Eliza brought her Best friend, Evelyn. Evelyn was nice and was like a sister. She was also like a sister to Jack too so we all got along really well. Noel told me to tell Jack how I felt on the trip and I told her I would think about it.

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