First Day of School

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I don't usually have a lot of's not because I am weird, at least I think not, it's because I move a lot because of my fathers job so I don't like to get attached, but this time we are staying. On the first day of my new school called Linkon High, I was happy because for once it was the first day of school for everyone else too. I woke up and got dressed feeling excited and nervous. I woke up my older sister, Eliza and told her to get ready. I knew Eliza would have no troubles fitting in with all the other girls, she had long light brown hair and green eyes, but I on the other hand was considered a "outcast" because I had shoulder length black hair and blue eyes. Some people thought I was pretty, others thought I was weird because "people with dark hair shouldn't have light eyes" or some crap like that. Also she listened to popular music and I listened to bands. "Willow why don't you listen to Taylor Swift?" Eliza would always ask but I just liked my bands more. Plus I think that Taylor is stupid for writing about her exes. Anyway, my mom drove us to school because she didn't want us to get our new shoes dirty on all the mud that had formed from the storm we had last night. Once we got to school I immediately noticed I wouldn't fit in at all. Just like I thought. I was wearing black skinny jeans, a My Chemical Romance tee and tons of band bracelets that I always wore, but everyone that I saw was wearing trendy jeans and leggings and cool shirts. I just hoped that I wouldn't get made fun of.

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