I'm Not Alone

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I went to my first period class which was Math. My teacher was pretty nice but she always asked if I was OK because my resting face makes me look as if I am sick or sad. When the bell rang I gathered my things and noticed a boy looking at me. I thought that he was judging me but then I noticed that he was wearing clothes similar to mine. Plus his hair was different from the other boys hair. His hair was black and it was styled so that it was longer than normal boys hair. He kind of looked like Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance when his hair was dyed black. I hurried up and left the class because I got shy around new people, especially boys that looked like Gerard Way with black hair. When lunch came I was nervous about where I was going to sit. I hadn't made any real friends, if you count Sally who asked why I wore too much black a friend. When I went to the lunch line I noticed that the Kid With Gerard Ways Black Hair was standing next to me in the line. He told me his name was Jack and that he liked my shirt. I said, "Thanks. I like your hair" which was a stupid thing to say but he smiled. Short story, me and Jack became friends.

The Road TripOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz