"Please, (Y/N). You are strong enough to handle this, I know it. I am truly sorry to have to ask this of you." He followed me down the hall as we talked in hushed voices, "The reason the council allowed your appointment was because the Chancellor trusts you. It's important you come with any suspicious acts by the Chancellor."

"Why are you asking me this?" I desperately ask, my mind and bladder spinning.

"The Council is asking you." He ends with. In the Order, that is the last word. The council asks you to do something, it's set in stone. I felt queazy going into my room and throwing up soon after that.


I was laying in bed when he came in. I had a bucket at my side, from the sudden sickness my body was feeling. I felt achy and didn't want to go anywhere, so I skipped my meeting I had with the Chancellor. I'll just tell him I got caught up with something else.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He climbed over the boxes and to my side. I hated him to see me this way but he looked at me the way he had on our wedding night. His eyes full of love and it almost felt like a cure.

"Hi." I croaked, my throat burning from my body ridding itself of any toxins, "I've been better."

He checked my forehead and brought me a glass of water to drink. He held my hand as I drank. He was knelt next to me, but I wanted so badly to feel loved. To feel like all this crazy stuff happening could take a pause.

"Hold me." I pleaded, "Like how we loved before all this fighting and war happened. Before when it was only you and me running from silly bounty hunters." I couldn't stand fighting with him anymore. If I really did only have a little more time with Anakin, it would be spent like this.

"Don't have to ask me twice." His blue eyes glowed, and he kissed my forehead. He then joined me under the covers. He wrapped his arms around me and I fit perfectly into his large shape. I played with his fingers and we wrapped our legs around each other.

"This is all I need." I said, "From now on, this is what I want." I gripped his hand.

"I'm glad you see it the way I do. Everything will end the way it needs to." He tells me, holding me. I breathe in his sent, finding my face in the crook of his neck. His long curly locks tickling my nose.

I fall asleep that way. Only to be woken up screaming.

"Anakin! Where are they!" I scream. "Come back!"

"Where are who? What?" He sits up grabbing my shoulders.

"The- the.." I trail off seeing as I'm in my room. With Anakin, he grabs my belly which kicks, they're alive.

"Another nightmare?" He asks. I sigh, accepting my dream.

"Yes." I wipe the sweat off my forehead.

"I'm here. I'm here." He cooed in my ear, bringing me down to his chest slowly. I heard his heart beating. I adored hearing his heart beat. It made him human, reminded me that he was alive and breathing. His heart beat meant that it was going to be okay. I was shaking, but slowly he stilled it with sweet nothings and his strong manner.

"I've thought about it a lot. Maybe we can move back to Alderaan, we can see your father. We can build a house together by a lake or something where the baby can play. And our family will be so happy." He smiled, I imagined the idea and smiled too, "I figure if it's a girl, I want the name: Leia." Anakin suggested. I liked it.

"Well, if it's a boy-which I'm pretty sure it is- I want the name Luke. I love that name." I turned to face him on the bed.

"You're pretty sure?" He looked down at me.

"Trust me, I'm like 99.99% sure there is definitely a boy in here." I say, proud. I actually have no idea, but I just know I want to be right. Anakin knows that, too.

"Two L names, huh? Could you imagine in the future if we have a baby boy and a baby girl, we would get them confused." He laughed.

"Confused?" I narrowed my eyes, "A mother would never forget her children." I said, smug.

"Because you'll be the best mother." He kissed my nose.

"You'll be #1 Dad." I laughed, to lazy to climb up to kiss his nose I just offered my lips and he brought his nose down to me. I felt so happy now, I really couldn't stop smiling.

"When they're old enough, do we want them to learn the ways of the Jedi?" He asked, after we had calmed down a bit.

"I want it to be their choice." I stated, "We can teach them when they want to learn. Or at least teach them enough to control it."

"I agree. What better teachers than the youngest council member, and " He held me tighter. His metal arm cold against my shoulder. His flesh hand finding its way down to my belly, "I don't want our children to know war like we do. We'll keep them safe from all of that."

"They will be safe, I promise."

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now