• Prologue •

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A wide, misty field stretched before him as Smudgeleaf blinked open his eyes.

Startled as to why StarClan had called him, especially in a time where they'd been so quiet, he staggered to his paws and looked around. His forelegs had already been dampened by the fog, making him weary and sway a little.

As the confused medicine cat glanced around, a misty shape stepped forward, its legs seeming to merge into the fog and its eyes filled with stars. Though its body was mainly transparent, faint stripes showed the markings of a tabby, and Smudgeleaf quickly recognized the figure; it was his deceased mentor, Flameberry.

"Why have you called for me?" Smudgeleaf asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

   "Smudgeleaf, you know as well as I that the Clans haven't faced troubles for countless moons." Flameberry waved his tail in a strange way, his voice seeming to echo throughout his former apprentice's head.

   "Yes, that is correct." the black-and-white tom responded, puzzled by his mentor's words. Why would StarClan ask for me just to claim everything's fine?

"But beware, for the thunder has enough power to destroy all the Clans." Flameberry's voice was low and eerie, his eyes becoming shadowed and the stars in them fading for a moment. Smudgeleaf felt a tingle run down his spine, eyes widening and ears pushing back in terror.

Unable to speak, he stood there, as Flameberry's spirt spun and faded away into the fog. The rest of StarClan followed, whirling around Smudgeleaf in a blur of mist and grass, until he gasped awake in his den.

Panting, he laid there, claws digging into his mossy nest. With a few deep, frantic breaths, Smudgeleaf was able to relax, though the fur along his neck still bristled. His eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness of night, glancing around his empty den as though he thought Flameberry would return.

Letting out a long sigh, he sheathed his claws and swallowed back a lump in his throat. Staring out of his den into the dark camp, Smudgeleaf flicked his tail. What did the prophecy mean, thunder had enough power to destroy the Clans?

   Smudgeleaf thought for a few moments, still unsettled deeply by his dream. Flameberry had seemed panicked, as though he was rushing to tell the prophecy. In life, he hadn't ever been fast, taking his time on everything.

   Thinking back to his words, Smudgeleaf suddenly came to a startling realization—what if ThunderClan was the thunder?

Apologies for the short Prologue!

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