You Forgot The Candles

Start from the beginning

Clarke heard Finn release a little chuckle. She smiled, looking over at him.

The chopper lurched sideways all of a sudden.
"Calm down. Its just turbulence." Indra stated.

Clarke swallowed, terrified all of a sudden.

Moments later Clarke could see the ground as the chopper slowly let itself down.

As soon as it landed, Indra shot up and faced the five.

"Your beds and living quarters are as simple as this, Boys with boys, girls with girls, Clarke however,"

Indra glared momentarily at Clarke before continuing.
"Since Clarke is lead surgeon of this unit, Clarke will be placed in a leader tent, mostly next to the Commander."

Clarke was astounded, honored, and partially terrified.


"We have a Squadron that is returning momentarily with seven wounded, Ill show you to the military tent where you'll suit up and its time to show yourselves to be true doctors."

"We just got here!" Finn exclaimed.

"And war doesn't wait, now lets go!"

As soon as Indra ripped open the metal door, Clarke entered hell.

Sand flew into their eyes, soldiers running to and fro, the sound of marching boots filling her ears .

Indra did not wait for the five and started to storm away, Clarke struggling to keep up with her.

"Your stuff will be briught to your cabins." Indra said.

Clarke nodded as they approached a sandy colored large tent.
Walking in, Clarke was comforted by the moaning of wounded soldiers, and bloody ragged sprawled across the floor.

"ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME INDRA!" A strong voice sounded from across the room.

Stunned, but on her feet, Clarke quickly tied on her Scrubs and snapped glives onto her hands.

She raxed over next to the doctor.
The doctor was fenale from what Clarke could tell. With dark chesnut hair braided back. Her lips were blocked by the scrubs, but her green eyes store Clarke down, making her feet feel like they were cemented to the floor.

Only did blood being sprayed across her scrubs did Clarke snap back to reality.

"HES CRASHING!"  The green eye doctor shouting.

Clarke immediatly analyzed the soldier. His arm was completely destroyed from the elbow down, and a large cut on his side.

"NEW BANDAGES!" Clarke shouted. The nurses glanced curiously at the female doctor, who nodded. The nurses gave Clarke the bandages.

"What happened."
"He was caught in an explosion, his heart is in shock, and he's slowly bleeding through his arm."

Clarke nodded as she removed his previous bandage.
"We need something to stop the bleeding!" Clarke yelled.

"Raven get some meds or whiskey, ANYTHING!"

Clarke glanced back down at the soldier, who was eyeing her in terror.
"This is gonna hurt like a bitch."

"Do we have any type of catarizing equipment?"
Clarke asked.

The green eyed doctor looked at Clarke like she had six heads.

Taken aback Clarke thought of another solution.
"Indra, didn't you say the Commander had a package of candles?"

Indra, standing by the wounded soldier, glanced quickly at the other women doctor.

"It'll hurt but we can slowly light his arm shut to prevent the bleeding."

"But the commander-"

Clarkes heart was beating and she did not give a crap about rank right now.


The green eye doctor raised a brow from Clarke to Indra and back to Clarke.

"Better yet," Murphy cut in.
Clarke saw Murphy was holding a flare.

Snatching it from his hand Clarke was about to reach for a lighter when the green eyed doctor stepped in front of her.

"We might need that." she said softly.

Clarke tried move her but the Doctor wouldn't budge.

"I dont know who the hell you THINK you are," Clarke began shoving her aside, " but we are both surgeons and I am here to save his life, what are you here to do?"

Clarke stood back as she lit the flare and sparks flew everywhere.
Quickly she placed the flame on the arm of the soldier, who screamed in agony.

"Hang in there Gustus!" The green eyed doctor screamed holding down his arms.

It was moments later he passed out, probably from pain.

Clarke sighed as she dumped the flame into a nearbye bucket of water.
"I have to properly clean his face to prevent infection, but other than that he should be fine."

Clarke was talking to the back of the doctor who was slowly remiving her Scrubs.

As she turned around Clarke saw her full features. Her sharp jawline, and the smirk that formed on her pink and full lips.

"I uh," Clarke shook her head and looked back up. "I didn't get a name?"

Before the doctor could speak, Indra burst through the tent,

"Commander your squadron returns, Nyko is hurt and needs assistance, where should I bring him?"

Clarkes jaw dropped.

This women was the Commander???
The Commander looked at Clarke, with a stern face.
"Clarke seems perfectly capable of handling him, send him here."

Clarke, lost for words stood there dumbfounded.

"Oh and Indra," The commander said as she was about to walk  away, "thankyou for the candles."
Clarke swore she saw the Commander pay her the tiniest glance before storming away.

Bellamy was sent somewhere else, leaving Murphy, Finn, Raven, and Clarke in the tent.

"Damn." Raven said aloud.
"She's hot."

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