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Lexa woke up as the Armored truck hit a rocky bump. She fluttered her eyes open; not making a scene to indicate she was awake.
Lexa attempted to move her shoulder but only felt a warm head cuddled close.
The Commander smiled as she saw Clarke sleeping; head on Lexa's shoulder, mouth slightly open. Clarke's right hand was lightly placed at Lexa's hip, Clarke tugging a small bit of her armor.

Lexa saw Clarke's hair scattered all across her face in an adorable little mess.
She looked around at her other squad members who were either sleeping or distracted by something else.
Hesitantly, Lexa extended her arm and brushed some of the golden strands of hair from Clarke's face. She tucked a large strand of hair behind Clarke's ear, grinning to herself.

All of a sudden the Truck hit a rather large bump, causing Clarke to wake up startled and threw her hand into Lexa's face.

"OH MY I AM- oh GOD I'm so clumsy Commander my apologies!"

Lexa blinked a few times, rubbing her aching mouth.
"It's alright Clarke." Lexa said calmly.

Lexa saw the light red tint she has occasionally saw in Clarke's cheeks reappear; which gave her a warm fuzzy feeling inside her stomach; but her face remained flat.

Clarke stretched, yawning and rubbing her eyes.
"Are we almost there yet?" Clarke questioned.
"Close enough." Lexa replied shortly.

Lexa saw the disappointment  in Clarke's face momentarily before the blonde faced the other direction.
"What if the bombs don't work?" Clarke looked back at Lexa.

Lexa felt like she had drowned herself into Clarke's worried sea blue eyes, barely able to find  words.

Lexa swallowed the lump in her throat.
"Your thinking too much Clarke, once the mission takes place everything will be clear."

Clarke nodded, placing her hands on her lap and glanced around the truck.

"Were you ever scared?" Lexa heard Clarke silently ask.
"Whenever you fight?"

Lexa lifted her chin high.
She saw Clarke's face; the worry and how terrified she must've felt at this moment.
"I was however on my first mission." Lexa attempted to reassure.

"We were about to surprise attack a camp, but there was too many of them, my original squad leader was a coward left without any if us, most of them were killed or captured, I was lost in the desert for about a week, terrified that a bullet would come out of no where and end me right there."

Lexa glanced over and saw Clarke intently listening.

"How did you survive that?"

Lexa shrugged. "I found plants with water, and his out in a cave until I saw a nearbye helicopter, it just so happened to see me."

Clarke look astonished.
"And what happened to your squad leader? Where did he go?"

"She." Lexa corrected.

"And I have no idea, the camp never found her."

"What was her name?"
Lexa looked at Clarke momentarily; hesitating whether she should reveal so much about her past.

She sighed, eventually unable to say no to Clarke's lingering and questioning stare.

"Her name was Nia."

*      *       *

Clarke and Lexa remained silent after their conversation.
Clarke didn't feel like pushing the Commander.

She remembered waking up and feeling her head on Lexa's shoulder and her hand on a part of Lexa's hip. She remained there, feeling ever so warm and safe.

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