We Need a Medic

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Clarke woke up with a throbbing headache
"God." She groaned as she rubbed her head.

Sliding her feet off the bed, Clarke wiggled her toes and cracked her neck and tried to recall the events of last night.

Clarke remembered drinking...
With The Commander.

Clarke's eyes widened with horror as she remembered what she did, attempting to climb on top of Lexa.

She slapped her forehead.

She remembered almost touching Lexa's perfect, soft, full-

"OMG STOP CLARKE!" Clarke shook her head frantically.

All of a sudden long fingers parted Clarke's tent flaps.

Lexa entered, standing tall and all stoic like.
She looked at a pacing Clarke, talking frantically to herself.

"Clarke." Lexa said, eyes following Clarke.

Clarke froze, glancing at Lexa before giving a quick salute.
"Commander." she nodded.

Clarke went to her bed and sat down. Pointing to an empty chair, Lexa took Clarke's invite and placed it in front of Clarke, straddling the chair.

The two sat in an awkward silence which felt like hours to Clarke.
Finally, the two spoke up.

"So about last night-"
"How are you-"

Lexa smiled and looked up.
"You first Clarke."

Clarke nodded, swallowing the large lump in her throat.
"Just last night, I was really drunk and have a basic to no idea what I did, at the moment I just thought you were so hot and-"

"You THOUGHT?" Lexa grinned mischieviously.

"No- I mean you are like, TOTALLY HOT- CRAP, I didn't mean that-"

Lexa raised her hand to silence Clarke to silence her.
Nodding Clarke just sighed.
"Now what about you?" she asked.

"Well I actually came to recruit you for a mission, I just wanted to make sure you were ready after.... I just wanted to ask how you were feeling."
Lexa was reffering to a certain someone.

Clarke had a million differant answers to that question, but went with the global favorite of

"Im fine." she forced a smile.

"We have a dangerous mission to get back and destroy a good portion of the enemies camp, we will need you to stand back and take the wounded if needed."

"I could do more than that." Clarke persisted, ""let me fight."

Lexa simply shook her head.
"You will be guarded and held back."

"But I want to fight!" Clarke stood.
"And I dont want you to, your useless to us if your dead."

Clarke huffed, walking past Lexa.

"Finn died bravely Clarke, he was going to defend his country."

Clarke stopped and shot a hard glare at Lexa. "He wouldnt have died at all if you didn't want to prove a point."

Lexa inhaled and contained herself, nobody challenges or speaks to the Commander like this, but this was Clarke.

"Sometimea to win a war we must look our soldiers in the eye and say, Go die for this country."

"And that sucks." Clarke said flatly.

"I suppose it does Clarke." Lexa stood, walking toward the exit.

"We leave in thirty."

As soon as Clarke was sure Lexa left, she exhaled heavily and started to slowly pack some necessities in her duffle.
Water, Dried food, her serated knife, and a whole bunch of medical supplies.

Clarke got into her dark green uniform, and grabbed her duffle heading outside.
Stepping out of the safety of her tent, Clarke was met by an enormous armored truck.

The door swung open, sending Clarke stumbling back.
She looked to see a girl covered with armor step out.

The girl had long dark brown hair pulled back in a frizzy and braided bun. Her eyes were light blue, and her jawline defined.

"You Griffin?" the girl spat in the dirt.

"Er.. Yes Ma'am." Clarke saluted.
The girl choked out a laugh,
"Were all in the same family now sister, call me Octavia, Octavia Blake."

Clarke's eyes widened.
"As in Bellamy Blake's sister, by any chance?"

Clarke saw Octavias momentary death glance.
"How do you know Bell?" she questioned with a hint of threat in her tone.

"He went to med school with me, in fact he is in this camp."

Octavia started a rant of curses, scared for her life *literally* Clarke grabbed her duffle tightly and scooted very VERY slowly backwards.

She soon bumped into someone, who grabbed her hip where the littlest amount of skin was peeking through. The touch sent a bolt of electricity down her side.
Clarke felt someones lips by her ear.

"Be careful. Clarke."

Clarke could barely breath as the Commander walked by her, throwing her bag in the back of the truck.

Clarke saw as about seven soldiers, covered in gear and weopanry approached her.
"Today we have a simple in and out mission." Lexa began glancing momentarily at Clarke. "We will sneak at night to the edge of the enemies camp, then we will place bombs all around." Lexa pointed toward a wooden box which Clarke assumed was full of explosives.

"We will then drive a mile away and ignite the kill switch."

The soldiers around Clarke shook their heads in agreement and started to make there way toward the armored truck.

Clarke followed, and as soon as she stepped inside she could tell it would be a cramped ride.
Clarke sat down next to Octavia, still mumbling under her breath.
Soon, Lexa came inside, squeezing close next to Clarke.

Clarke nearly screamed as the truck roared to life, her hand immediatly grabbing Lexa's thigh.

She looked wide eyed, apologizing at a smirking Lexa.

Clarke smiled and stared into ger hands, unable to stare into the Commanders greenish blue eyes.

"You should rest Clarke," she heard the Commander say.
"You'll need your energy."

Clarke oddly shifted, attempting to get comfortable. After a while of useless attempts, Clarke smiled smugly to herself, and took the brace action of leaning into Lexa's shoulder.

She felt the Commander stiffen at her touch, until Clarke snuggled into Her neck and closed her eyes.

"I'm glad you agreed to come Clarke." Lexa spoke softly.

"Couldn't let you be an idiot and almost die again." Clarke joked.

Lexa grinned and looked at the desert wasteland out the window.

"Blood must have Blood."
Lexa stated.

Clarke nodded, finally understanding the phrase on a much deeper level then she ever had.

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