You Forgot The Candles

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The boat ride was absolute hell.
Landing was the worst for Clarke, her stomach almost emptying itself onto all her friends.

The plane ride was mostly quiet after Murphy and Indra had a little.... Miscommunication.

Clarke waited as Indra slid open the door to the helicopter, revealing the crews landing area.

It was an oil rig.

Clarke stepped out, uniform in hand. Indra instructed the girls who had not changed to get ready for meeting the commander.

"Well isn't this fun." Raven grumbled as she looked over the edge of the rig.

"Could be worse." Clarke shrugged.

The two were escorted to an extraordinarily small bathroom. Grime stuck to the walls, and a brown stain in the corner Clarke was not willing to take a chance next to.

Raven starting undressing, Clarke somewhat scared of just removing all her clothes.
Raven, standing in plain black undies and a lacey bra looked at Clarke annoyed.

"C'mon Princess, drop the pants."

Clarke fumbled for words, still shy.
"Shuddup Raven." she mumbled.

Right as Clarke had finished, she looked at herself in the extremly small mirror, places her long curly hair into a bun and tucking it into her hat, unlike raven who simply pulled hers into a pony tail.

Clarke was about to speak when a large bang and angry shouts came from outside.

Raven lifted her head and gave a confused look at Clarke before standing and jogging out to the deck.

Clarke was behind Raven until they were nearly to the helicopter, then Clarkes eyes widened as she saw Indra with her elbow against a soldiers neck.


Clarke grabbed Indra"s shoulder and ripped her off the boy.

Indra snarled attempting to go back to the kid for seconds, but Clarke stood in her way.

"Stop In- Sarge." Clarke saw Indra's eyes, filled with hate.
"What did he do?" Clarke questioned.

She saw Indra's gaze drift murderously off to the soldiers, but Clarke snapped her fingers in front of the Sargents face.

"What happened?" she asked once more.
Indra grumbled and stormed off, clearly upset.

Clarke shook her head and walked over to the soldier placing a hand on his back.

"Why'd she blow up huh?" Clarke scoffed.
"Its okay its my fault." the soldier sighed.

"I forgot the candles."

he stood and walked away, leaving Clarke more confused than ever.

*     *     *     *

The final plane ride went by faster than Clarke thought.
The sun was goung down, leaving a purple and peach color smeared across the sky.

Clarke smiled slightly, if she had her drawing pad she would love to capture this moment.

All of a sudden a crackled voice came over the helicopters intercom.
"T minus 15 till landing, its not gonna be smooth so buckle up."

"Great." Murphy mumbled.
"Eh we survived worse right?" Bellamy grinned at Clarke who just shook her head.

"Not really you idiot." she smirked.

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