Arena of Chaos (Part 2)

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(Please read previous page first.)

Marshal: "Unsung, make a Nether Portal now."
Unsung: "Okay!"

Unsung Hacker built a Nether Portal using obsidian blocks, placing it in 4×5 and then lighting it up with flint and steel. Marshal takes out his diamond sword...
Marshal: "Alright, let's go!"

Unsung Hacker also dual-wields two katanas. He entered the portal first and then Marshal.

On the other side...
Marshal: "This place is still the same."
Unsung: "Yeah, but there is somthing different."
Marshal: "What do you mean?"
Unsung: "Usually the compass or clock doesn't work in the Nether realm. But look, my compass is working."
Marshal: "Oh yeah, you're right. Maybe we should follow it."
Unsung: "Alright, let's go."

Unsung Hacker and Marshal start their journey through the Nether. They fight a lot of mobs like Ghasts, Zombie Pigmen, and Wither Skeletons. Unsung Hacker also walks on lava and builds a bridge for Marshal.

30 minutes later, they have reached at a Nether Castle. Marshal says...
Marshal: "Well, we are here."
Unsung: "Yup, wish for luck."
Marshal: "Right. Wait, isn't that Mighty Hacker and Mr. Tagger?"

Mighty Hacker and Mr. Tagger are standing on the wall of castle. Mr. Tagger is saying...

Mr. Tagger: "Well-well, you two are finally arrived. Congratulations..."
Mighty: "...but it's useless."
Unsung: "We are here to fight you!"
Mighty: "Hmph, fools."
Mr. Tagger: "You think you can stop us? You made a mistake!"
Marshal: "Just shut up, fight!"
Mighty: "As you wish."

Mr. Tagger takes out a machine gun. Mighty Hacker wears a Red Elytra and holds a Blazing Rod. Unsung Hacker says...
Unsung: "Oh, no."
Mr. Tagger: "Now... let the game begin."

Mr. Tagger starts shooting. Marshal dodged it by doing backflips until it hit him...
Marshal: "Argh!"

Marshal got knocked away...
Unsung: "Marshal!"
Mighty: "Now it's my turn."

Mighty Hacker jumps down, glides in the air and throws fireballs with Blazing Rod. Unsung Hacker rolls multiple times to dodge the fireballs...
Unsung: "Heh, that's all you got?"

Mr. Tagger shoots toward Unsung Hacker and Marshal until smoke appears. Then he stopped shooting...
Mr. Tagger: "There, that should settle him."

Suddenly, a rocket bullet came out from the smoke, hit Mr. Tagger and explodes...
Mr. Tagger: "Arghhh!"

Mr. Tagger fell to the ground and downed. When the smoke blows away, Marshal holds a rocket launcher given by Unsung Hacker...
Mighty: "No, Tagger!"

Suddenly, Unsung Hacker teleported at Mighty Hacker's back, tearing his Red Elytra from his back, then kicking him into lava...
Mighty: "No!"

Mighty Hacker fell into lava and defeated. Unsung Hacker lands safely on the ground...
Unsung: "Great job, Marshal."
Marshal: "No, I should thanks to you for giving me this weapon. This is first time I'm using a Rocket Launcher in Realm Online."

Marshal gives back the rocket launcher to Unsung Hacker...
Unsung: "Now come on, let's go and save your sister."

They both start running into the Nether Castle. Suddenly a voice interrupts...
???: "Stop right there!"
Marshal: "Who was that?"

Two mystery men in black robes jump down, in front of Unsung Hacker and Marshal.
Unsung: "No way, another enemy? But Mighty said only him and Tagger."
???: "Yes, I did said that."

Two mystery men remove their robes, it's the Mighty Hacker and Mr. Tagger again.

Marshal: "No way, you two are still alive?"
Mighty: "Yes, we are!"
Unsung: "But how?"
Mr. Tagger: "Those two guys were just our clones. Now here we are the real one."
Marshal: "Hmph, I don't care how many clones you had. We will defeat all of them. Hiahhh!"

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