Chapter eight

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Liams pov

I couldn't believe Grace accused me of cheating on her. She was all I wanted. Now today Chelly has been texting me nonstop about it. A whole day has gone by and it turned our relationship into a disaster.

"Fuck it. I'm going over there," I say putting on my coat. What was I going to say? I had to practice in the car.

"Hey babe, I just need to tell you there was no girl in my house cause I've been depressed since you called a break..."

"No." I groan.

"Grace we need to talk. I love you. Will you stop being a pain in the ass?"

"No. No. No. No. No. She would kick my ass."

"We need to talk about this,"

"Yeah. That works."


I pulled up to Grace's house. There was a known car in the driveway. Kyle.. My heart sunk. Talk about moving on quick.

"BLOODY HELL!" I yelled. I started to hit my steering wheel. The horn kept beeping and I didn't care. I wouldn't believe this. I was just about to speed away when Grace opened the door and stood on the porch. I let my temper take control of me and I got out of the car.

"I can't believe you! You say I moved on quickly! You're with Kyle again! We just took a break! I cannot believe you Grace!"

"Do you really think I would do that to you! You really think I would sleep with Kyle again! No! I needed a person to talk to! Chelly and Niall told me to not put them in the middle of this one! What the fuck was I going to do!" She got closer to me and lowered her tone.

"Liam, because I love you I'm going to tell you this. I've been so fucking depressed this month that I was considering suicide. Who was I going to go to for that?" I gasp and my jaw drops.

"Grace, I'm in love with you. I'm tired of missing you. If you killed yourself I would have too. I can't do this being on a break shit. I want you back. I want to kiss you again. I wanna hold you. I miss us. Grace, please give me another chance," I beg.

"Who was she?"


"The stupid blond bitch that was at your house when I came over," I sigh.

"There was no blond girl at the house," she nodded.

"I seen her," she crossed her arms.

"She had the same car as Niall. Kinda looked like him, but in a white dress and heels. Walked like Niall," I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Hold on. Everything points to Niall. Hold on," I say holding up my index finger.

"Niall, were you doing the thing again yesterday? You're so sick. Grace seen you. Yeah she thought I cheated on her! You could've warned me. Yeah okay bye," Grace looked at me with a pissed off look on her face.

"Niall and Chelly pretend sometimes that they are the opposite sex and have sex,"

"Ew. Gross."

"Please have him leave. He is just looking at me and he's pissing me off with every breath he takes," I say looking at her. She laughs.

"First," she says walking into me. She lays her head on my chest and intertwined our fingers.

"I want to kiss you so bad right now Grace," she looks up to me and smiles. I lean down to her and start to kiss her neck. She puts her arms around me and I pick her up and put her up against my car.

"Liam, I've missed you so much," she says kissing me.

"I've missed you so much," I say grabbing her thighs. She slides down and pecks my lips before walking the way to her house.

"Kyle, you've got to leave," Grace says pushing him out the door way. She points at me and commands me to come to her. I walk in her house house and shut her door, pushing her up against the wall. I kiss her and slip off my shirt then Grace's blue galaxy button up shirt. I slid my pants off and toss them by the door. Grace does the same.

"Liam," she says playing with my underwear lining.


"Don't leave this time," she says taking the rest of her cloths off. I start to walk backwards as Grace pushes me. Not once did she break the kiss. When we stopped I was up against the kitchen table. I pick her up and set her down. Pulling away I looked at her.

"I won't leave," I say putting my hands on her thighs. I slid a condom out of my pocket. I ripped it open with my mouth and one hand while teasing Grace with the other. While sliding on the condom I start to bite at her neck while sliding in between her legs. She winches and digs into my back more with her nails. I start to thrush faster And hear a creek on the floor. I feel as if someone is watching me. I turn my head a little and see Chelsea standing there with Niall.

"Fuck," I yell.

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