"Going where?" You glanced over the words and your eyes widened, "East Castle?!"

"Yeah!" She replied with a grin.

"Hell no, Madison!" You handed her the paper. Her face fell as quickly as it had formed into a smile.

"What? Why?"

"If you haven't noticed that's not the safest place to be for us right now. They think I'm your mom and at the moment I'm wanted. Plus, what if they find out we forged the papers saying that we're related?"

"My entire class is going [Name]! I'll be the only one that stays back!"

"I don't care. You are not going to that damn castle."

Her face morphed into one of anger, "This isn't fair! [Name]!"

"It's dangerous."

"For you! Not me! I'm not a criminal!"

It felt like a blow to your gut to hear her yell that at you. She glared at you with her young eyes. You returned the glare, "Madison. You are not going."

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"Oh I can't? Because I'm pretty sure I can." You replied with a sour tone, "As long as you live under my roof-"

"We don't have a roof anymore because of you! Our house is gone and so is all my stuff!" Her bottom lip quivered. You felt a stab in your chest and sighed.

"Madison, look, things are going to get better I promise." You said quietly, "But I can't let you...you can't go. I'm sorry."

"You never let me do anything." She turned away from you, "You're not my mom, [Name], or my big sister. You’re not my family, not really!"

You swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat and nodded, "Fine. You wanna go? Go!"

You snatched the paper from it and scribbled your messy signature on the line before shoving it back in her hands. You motioned her to go towards the bus that had shown up. Madison stuffed the paper in her book before swiftly storming away from you.

You stood there a moment later before taking a deep breath and pushing yourself down the street towards the factory. Guilt filled your body. It was your fault she didn't have a home. It was your fault that all her belonging had been destroyed of stolen. You clenched your fists and tried not to think as you walked down the street.

"I hate kids!" You yelled as you angrily threw another piece of armor down the line. "I can't do this! I can barely take care of myself let alone an eight year old! I hate this!"

Levi just let you rant as he worked. When he noticed that you had finished he glanced up at you, "You love Madison and she loves you. You guys are just having a little fight. It'll turn out fine. I would bet money that after school she'll hug you with tears in her eyes and apologize."

"Like I care. Little brat." You muttered. A part of you meant it, but the larger half wanted to punch yourself in the face.

"Bobby told me the news."

"What?" You asked half-heartedly. Levi sighed and hit the pause button. The entire line stopped for a minute. You looked at him in shock, "What are you doing? Start it up! We're gonna get fired."

"You plan on quitting anyways don't you? To join Boss and CONTROL. Are you out of your mind?"

You sighed, "Levi..."

"This is a stupid idea." Levi snapped, "One of the stupidest ideas you've had since you robbed that damn bank."

You frowned, "Don't you see the good that can come from this? I'm doing this for Madison, and for Bobby, and for you! I'll have money!"

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