The Rebel <2>

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Cognitive Recalibration.

The law states that if a citizen is found dealing in unruly conduct then an officer of CONTROL is allowed to activate CR. Only the Heartless soldiers could use their bodies to produce this effect though, all other officers had to use a special machine.

All CR really does is let the officer view the person's memories while the person is forced to witness whatever the officer wants them to. The default setting was history of the Five Regions. You weren't sure if it was to scare the perpetrator into never committing crime again or if it was to remind them how much power they actually had.

The darkness was interrupted by a flash of light as CR started.


A man stood above the crowd. A smile of power worn proudly on his lips. His clothes seemed out of place, but it was only because he himself did not belong. He was an other worldly being. A sleeveless black trench-coat of sorts sat on top of a long sleeve armor shirt. They were black with patches of green and accents off gold. His black hair was slicked back and ended at the base of his neck.

He was King Loki, ruler of the North.

"I am burdened with glorious purpose."

Flashes of war raced across your eyes. Buildings fell, people died, and a new world was created from the ashes. No one could stop them. They came and they conquered.

Loki stood above a larger crowd now. The crowd was kneeling to him in the rubble of what was once their city. Three others stood behind Loki with similar smiles of victory and power drawn on their lips. The one on the far right had gray hair that traveled down his back mid way with a few strands slicked back and hanging in his face. His skin was a dark tan and that only made his golden eyes glow brighter. He wore a black robe with matching boots and gloves.

He was King Xemnas, ruler of the East.

The man in the middle wore a solid black suit with a blood red tie. In his hand was a cup of alcohol that he'd occasionally take a sip of. He was a clean cut gentleman with a thick British accent. His dark brown hair was short and somewhat parted to the side. Currently his eyes were a light brown, but they didn't always stay that way. He wasn't human. He was a demon.

He was King Crowley, ruler of the South.

The last man had light blond hair somewhat slicked back with a few strands hanging around his face. His eyes were a light blue and he wore a white suit with a gray vest.

He was King Rufus, ruler of the West.

The four of them stood proudly in front of the crowd. They had succeeded in their conquest.

"Is this not simpler? Is this not your natural state?" You could hear the words in Loki's voice, but all you saw was flashes of life today. The big cities in the West that held all the entertainment. It didn't show how fake the entire region was though.

"It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation."

The North had been rebuilt out of a story book. A tall castle stood out among the grassy plains. Towns of glass and stone stood proudly under the shade of the tall castle with its green and black flags. No image could show the unjust ruling system laid out in the beautiful land though.

"The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity."

The South looked cozy. It was a rural type area with thick forests and humid weather. There was only one large city and that's where the ruling was done. The creatures that roamed the night looking for blood didn't make the CR slideshow.

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