"I will have Mario brought up to you," he said kissing her gently once she was back in bed.
"Thank you," she whispered.
She knew her son had been fussy about bottled milk but after some time he accepted it once hunger took over. He seemed to know something was wrong as he did not fuss in her arms which she was grateful for considering her wounds.
Giving him the bottled milk his little fingers were would around hers in a death grip as he enjoyed himself.

Humming his favorite lullaby to him he slowly drifted off to sleep before she noticed Marcel standing by the door. He carefully took him out of her arms and lay him in the crib beside the bed.
"You also get some rest," he whispered as she looked at him defiantly which he countered with a raised eyebrow look. "Now," he growled after kissing her possessively.

"Call me if you need anything. I just need to stop by the office for a bit," he said.


"Are you sure you are up for this?"
"Yes darling. This isn't my first time handling such," she smiled as he placed his hand on her lower back as they entered the building. He stayed back as she entered the room the two men were chained up.
"Who did this to them?" She asked softly.
"Lou," one of the guards answered.
"Did my brother tell you to not touch them?" She asked the guard in question as she looked at beaten up men.
"They were making snide remarks about your family," he defended as she shook her head in disappointment.
"Yet still no one gave you the permission to touch them. Choose your punishment," she said as the guy instantly paled when a gun was handed to her. "Make it fast before I decide for you," she said removing the safety.

"One month in the pit," he blurted out.
"So be it. Now leave," she said putting the safety back on.
"You weren't really going to kill him were you?" Andy said with a smirk.
"No, shoot of his hand maybe, but kill my own men, never. Now you on the other hand," she said crouching before him. "You are going to wish you had never taken me," she said just as her papa entered the room. "But first I need the name of the man whom you said helped you. There is no way you idiots could have pulled off what you did without the help of someone more logical than you lot combined," she said as she ignited anger within the two men.

They remained silent giving her hard glares.
"Very well. Have them transported to Paulo. If they starts talking gag them but don't harm them. Gregorio hasn't had a chew toy in a while," she smiled. "Tell Paulo to wait for me," she said in a calm manner.



"Nyasha, how are you?" A young man said as soon as she stepped out of the car. Wearing her hat to ward of the rays of the sun she beamed at the young man kissing both his cheeks in greeting.
Marcel looked at the young man observing him as he spoke to his wife. Wrapping his arm around Nyasha she leaned into his touch as she introduced them.

"How is my darling Gregorio?"
"Growing by the day. Soon we will have to set him free," he said. "But I have another cub being brought in to replace him," he beamed.
"Good to hear. I hope he hasn't been bothering anyone?"
"Not at all. Well behaved indeed," he said as they walked through the house to the back of the house.

"I hope lunch was well behaved as well."
"Not as much, I am afraid. A loud mouth those two have, had to separate them," he said with a frown.
"Don't frown my friend. You will age faster," she said making him laugh.
Marcel brushed her knuckles gaining her attention as he leaned down to kiss her forehead making her stop.
"Leave us," she said making all the men leave immediately.

"What is wrong love?" She asked.
"Those idiots are not going to speak," he growled angrily.
"Darling, relax," she said placing her arms around his neck pulling him towards her. "That is why we are just here for the show," she said as he looked at her confused.
"You see your boys and my boys had a little bet over who would last longer in the ring with Gregorio," she said making him realize why his boys had been excited the whole trip. Also papa had sent one of his lieutenants to train your boys further," she smiled.

"Thank you. Now can I see who this Gregorio is?" He said pulling her closer. "Or do I have to beg you," he murmured against her lips.
"Hmmmm how exactly will you beg me?" She smiled as she turned her cheek letting his lips meet her cheek.
"I can do many things to beg you," he said lifting her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
"Like?" She said closing her eyes in pleasure as he kissed her neck moving to her lips before she could say anything.

"The men are waiting for us," she mumbled as he let out a growl placing her on her feet.
"To be continued," he said wrapping his arms around her waist as they stepped out of the house to a totally different setting.

"How did you pull this off. And the government doesn't even know?"
"Who says they don't know?" She said as they took their seats as silence filled the air. "I will be back," she said kissing him slowly. "Refreshments Paulo," she ordered making the man snap at some unlucky fellow.

11. His Achilles Heel (bwwm) Completed #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now