Morning Duties

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Camila entered the main hallway downstairs not too much longer later. The faint sounds of snoring could easily be heard from the three closed doors across from the curtains she'd have to open. It was just orders; Camila always had to be the first one awake in the house. On the bright side, however, most of her morning chores were far easier than her afternoon ones. At least then, the step family wasn't awake to order her around. What else was a girl to do?

Approaching the lavish curtains, only one of the many things the family had wasted their money on, Camila pulled on the string and slowly opened them, allowing the light to shine through the dreaded halls. Taking a mere brief moment to straighten them out, she then turned on her heel and approached one of the three doors. The first two, closer to where her tower was, belonged to her stepsisters. The room that Camila needed to go to was her stepmother's. But not for the stepmother. Camila placed her hand on the door handle and slowly opened the door, careful not to let too much light in at once or disturb the guardian of the household. But as she opened the door, the light didn't hit the stepmother's bed. It hit a much smaller, circular bed beside it. The small bed didn't look like it was for any person. As a matter of fact, with its overuse of bows and curtains, it was for their pet cat. From the doorway, Camila could see the cat snoozing away in his comfortable little bed. Yes, it was the same cat she had reminded Raven to warn Dinah about. None other than Lucifer.

The cat was only barely on the fatter side; that was because he just loved to eat so much, and Camila knew first hand. He had a lot of fur, most likely resembling a black shade.

Lucifer twitched in his sleep a little, feeling the light emitting from the doorway and hitting his was disturbing him in the middle of his sleep? He was having such a nice dream, too. He had been dreaming about getting fed gourmet food in his very own hats. Yes, even the cat had dreams. Not like they mattered at all, no one in the house spoke cat. Such a shame when Lucifer might as well have had so much to say. Lucifer slowly opened one eye, his green pupils falling on Camila in the doorway. It was morning already? Dang, why did he always have to get up first? Stupid rules. He wanted to go back to sleep like all the normal cats.

Camila quietly gestured for Lucifer to come over. "Here kitty, kitty, kitty." she whispered. Oh sure, Lucifer was no kitty anymore with the way he ate.

Lucifer lazily yawned and stretched, his tiny claws barely scratching his cat bed. He stood up on all fours and eyed Camila.

"Come on Lucifer." she whispered again.

Lucifer glared at her. As much as he loved breakfast time, he loved sleep just a little more. Hey, he was a cat, what else did you expect? Lucifer turned around so his back was facing her, and then he stubbornly lat back down curled up as a little fluffy ball.

But Camila wasn't going to stand for this. In his own lazy way, Lucifer made things just as hard for her. And especially at this hour, there was no way she was going to stand for it. Camila put a hand on her hip and held her ground, attempting to show Lucifer who was in charge...for the time being.

"Lucifer, come here." she scolded.

Lucifer nearly jumped at the sternness of her voice. Rolling his eyes, he jumped off the bed but took his sweet time walking over to Camila. He didn't just walk over, he strutted over with his head high and his tail straight in the air. Walking out of the room at last, he briefly glared at Camila before yawning and stretching once again, letting his claws scratch against the floor.

Camila couldn't help but roll her eyes as she closed the door, snapping Lucifer out of it and getting him to stand up straight. She started making her way over to the staircase with Lucifer strutting right behind her like he was all high and mighty. Of course what neither of them knew was, out from one of the mouse holes by the bedroom doors, popped out Raven and Dinah watching them.

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