Chapter 11: The Class Trip

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"It's really different from the Day Class. It has no age limit, as we vampires always look young, and we don't do anything in that class but learn ethics for thirty minutes. The teacher leaves and we just sit and relax for the rest of class."

"Oh! That's awesome! You're lucky you don't have to go to multiple classes... I hate social studies."

"Well I am a genius after all... Maybe I can tutor you sometime if you'd like." He said.

Here he goes bragging about himself like he usually does. But he's not wrong. He really is smart.

"Sure... I guess I can take you up on that offer..." I said as I looked out the window.

We just sat there talking, waiting until all the Night Class students were in the limos or vans with their respective partners.

*Lily's PoV*
Kaname and I had already made it into the limo and sat down next to each other. I'm actually very excited. I get to spend some quality time with him.

"Finally, we are going to be able to have some time together alone." Kaname said as he took my hand.

"Y-yeah. We are." I said nervously.

And also...find the memories that I'm searching for. It seems that everyone was already in place and the limo began making its way to the Ishigaki Islands, the place we were going to stay at for five days.

That beach vision I had a few days ago... I need to ask him what was that.

"Kaname...Can I ask you a question?" I said.

"What is it, my love?"

"Umm...About two nights ago, I had a dream. It was you and I sitting in front of a luminescent beach. And my head was on your shoulder, looking out to the sunset. However, you told me something and I wasn't able to hear the words that you said to me that day... What did you tell me that day?" I said, curiously.

He then was in thought for a second and then he remembered.

"Ah, yes. I remember now. But I'm not going to tell you what I said just yet. It's too soon. I'll tell you when the right time comes." He said with a smile.

"Ok..." I said as I laid on his shoulder. "You're so comfortable to rest on, Kaname..."

"Maybe it's because you and I are like two pieces in a puzzle that are meant to be put back together. I feel like the events that occurred were meant to happen, to create a path for you and I to be together again."

"It makes sense. Breaking my engagement with Itsuki, coming to Cross Academy and meeting you... I feel like this is fate. I think that this was meant to happen as well... There's going to be many obstacles with our relationship, however... There are people in my family that despise vampires. As my father is the current head and representative of the Adachi family, he promotes coexistence, therefore it is seen as our family does promote it." I said.

"Lily, I'm not going to let anyone get in the way of our relationship. Whatever fool thinks they can try to get in between us, well...they thought wrong. Whoever in your family does not approve of our relationship, then I'll make them approve. I don't see how it's wrong for a vampire hunter to fall in love with a vampire. It's not wrong at all. I hope the same thing from the past does not repeat itself..." Kaname said in an upset tone.

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