Important News

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I just realized a HUGE mistake on the timeline, since I am basing this on the Japanese calendar, so to fix that mistake and clear any confusion or questions that this might rise here is the timeline.

The final term for 2nd year begins in early January and continues until March 7.

Spring break of almost 4 weeks.

School year begins on April 1, The first term runs until around mid July, when summer vacation begins.

Training camp is held in July, 1 week outside Tokyo.

August is when Tournaments are held.

Summer academic study courses.

Kids return to school in early September for the second term, Third year students prepare for university entrance exams and is held a school fair on the last Saturday of September, this term last until about December 25.

And finally, the final term for 3rd years begins in early January and continues until early March.

This is not a exact schedule/calendar but this is the closest to an actual one I could make, and this is the one I will follow.

Because of that the first chapter, Valentine's Day is been modified along with any issues others chapters might have, I also am adding the date on the title along with the name of the holiday to not further confuse people.

This fic begins pre-canon and is going to include many references (at least I plan to) to the manga/anime (mostly anime) timeline, I am also planning to do a side fic with other dates/occasions/moments from other characters Pov.

I apologize for the trouble this might cause you all.

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